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"Is that everything?" Kaldur questioned, looking around my now empty room.

I sighed and nodded, looking over at my door half expecting my mom to walk in at any second.

Then I looked back at him. "My other stuff is at camp...wait."

I walked over to my window and picked up the small container of moonlace. "Now that's everything."

Kaldur picked up the larger bags, slinging them over his shoulder. "Are you ready?"

I swallowed, taking one last look at my room. "Yeah. I'm ready."

Grabbing the the rest of the bags, the pot cradled gently, we snuck back out of the window.

"Hopefully we can make it back before we have training." Kaldur sighed. "I would preferably not fight her."

"I'm pretty sure if you really had to, you could take her."

He looked at me, a small smile on his lips. "You are not wrong. But that may lead to some questions I do not want to answer."

"Let me guess, how'd you figure out how to beat her?" I rolled my eyes.

"It would be like fighting a wind spirit. And if I were able to keep her from using her power, it would be a simple matter of combat."

"What is her power anyway?" I questioned, shifting the bags.

"Canary cry. The only way I can describe it is as a sonic blast."

"Well, I don't want her to yell at me."

"Percy, we both know you don't care who you make angry."

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I want to have my eardrums blasted."

"What am I going to do with you?" He chuckled.

"Let me make cookies?"

"You are still going on about that?" He stopped and sat the bags down. "Here we are."

He opened up the old phone booth, before stepping inside with the bags.

Then there was a flash of light.

"Okay so I just need to stand in here right?" I mumbled to myself, carrying my stuff in.

"Aquagirl B0-8." The tube recognized and...

Bam. I was gone.

Then I was there.

"Hey, Kaldur where...um. Hi?"


"Who are you?" He crossed his arms.

I looked at Orin, not knowing how he wanted me to respond.

"This is Aquagirl. I brought her here yesterday...due to circumstances."

Sighing I looked at Kaldur for like the millionth time. Then I mouthed 'come on' to him.

He gave a small nod and the two of us snuck off to my room.

And I actually changed into my own clothes.

After I chased Kaldur out. We may have been raised together but I'm pretty self-conscious and-

Not buying it huh?


I just don't...

Okay so Kaldur is a mother hen. And I mean I understand why. He swore an oath to protect me.

But... Kaldur blames himself for everything that happens to me. Even the stuff that happened when he wasn't there...

Even the stuff from before he took the oath.

So... I'd rather not have him see all the new scars.

Shaking my head, I walked out to where Batman and Orin and everyone else was.

"Who is she?"

"I have told you, she is one of Kaldur'ahm's closest friends."

"Closest might be understating things a bit." I said, causing Batman to narrow his eyes at me.

Which how is he doing that with a cowl on?

It's kinda cool.

"Where'd you disappear to?" Artemis...

"What is it? Narrow your eyes at Percy day?"

Kaldur snorted. "You should be used to that by now."

"Okay. So I make a comment and I get smacked but Kaldur does this and nobody is going to point out how weird this is?!"

"My son, would you like to explain this to them?" Orin crossed his arms.

Kaldur opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Welp. Guess it's up to me then.

"So why are you here?" I interrupted, picking at my sleeves.

"We have a mission for you."

A holographic screen appeared showing a warehouse.

"This warehouse is operated by Lex Corp. We have been detecting abnormal shipments arriving late at night. Due to the nature of this, we believe that this may have a connection to the sale and transport of Kobra Venom."

"It is close to the docks so I will be assisting in this."

"We don't need a babysitter." Connor growled.

"This is Aquagirl's first mission alongside this team. I am simply making sure she adapts well."

"I'll be fine. I generally am very good with stuff like this. Which you know." I put my hands on my hips.

"Percy...Your father will have my head if I don't do this, literally."

I groaned. "Okay...but don't expect any cookies."

He chuckled. "I have the recipe you know."

"And yet you can never make them as good." I smirked. "It takes a certain finesse."

Kaldur sighed. "At what time will we depart?"

Batman looked at the time. "We expect the next shipment at midnight. Given that we have four hours until then, you will leave immediately in order to scout the perimeter and develop a plan."

"Of course. We will get ready."

The Team scattered off to wherever they keep their uniforms and Bats disappeared somewhere.

Meanwhile I looked at Orin eyebrow raised, with him looking at Kaldur.

"My son, you may want to consider telling them."

He shook his head. "My king...they would not understand why I did."

"And if he did... they'd have to know..." I trailed off wringing my hands together.

"At least attempt to act like you have been before Percy came. They seem more off put by that then anything else."

"I'm afraid that will not happen my king."

"Why not?"

"Cause I'll throw my shoe at him."

Excuse the house change

If you can tell I'm just using the following week to pops into the suggestion back

Do they a lot

Translation.  Excuse the horrible chapter If you can't tell I'm just using the first word that pops into the suggestion bar

So thanks a lot.

But yeah...

First full week of school...


I'm gonna head to bed soon cause driving!



See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now