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I shot up in my bed, quickly wiping away the tears on my face.

Getting up I made my way to the neighboring room.

"Percy?" I whispered, slowly opening the door. I don't want to wake up Connor.

When I didn't get an answer I frowned walking over to the bed, blindly searching for her.

I sighed and laid on her bed, burying my face in her pillow.

The bed's cold, so it's not like she just got up to go to the bathroom. Plus the light wasn't on.


Please be okay.


I stared into the mirror at the gas station. My face is bruised, I have a black eye...

I deserve it though.

Sighing I pulled some makeup out of my bag. Good thing I have practice hiding this.

The only thing is...will Kaldur be fooled by this?

He's seen me do this exact thing to hide it from Mom and Orin and Mera and Aunt Lana...

That's his mom by the way. I couldn't pronounce her name so it kinda just became that...or was it cause they were trying to keep me from knowing they're Atlantean?

Honestly I can't remember.

I shook my head, starting to put the makeup on, the bruises disappearing beneath it.

After a few minutes, I could barely see any trace of the fight I was in.

On my face anyway. I don't know what the rest of me looks like, and I really don't want to.

I took a deep breath before slowly releasing it. I need to get a lie figured out.

In case Kaldur finds out I didn't heal this...

I guess it really doesn't matter too much, he might just think the Team saw me.

Bright side about living with them.

Walking out of the bathroom, I exited the gas station trying to find my way around the city.

Well, I say walk but I mean limp.

And...you guys might want to know how I ended up like this huh?


Diana and I had a fight...I didn't fight back against her cause she's right, she's justified in doing it.

And I deserve every single injury she gave me. Every single dam one.

Kaldur won't see it that way. I know he won't. He'll be upset I didn't defend myself like I could have.

Somehow I found the Zeta Tube.

Once back in the Cave I made my way back to my room, climbing into my bed without even changing.

And when I felt someone else already laying in my bed...I was less than surprised.

Instead of waking him up, I just snuggled against him, his arm wrapping instinctively around me.

I leaned my head forward, resting it against his chest.

I can't let him know about this. Not after he found out about my scars. If he finds out about this...

Somehow I managed to get to sleep. And you want to know something surprising?

I didn't have a nightmare.

So when I woke up, I actually felt like I slept for all of those...four hours.

Weirdly enough, Kaldur was gone. Okay, I shouldn't say that. He usually wakes up before me so he could be making food or getting changed or whatever

Groaning I rolled over, wincing as I hit one of the injuries.

Guess I'm not going to be comfortable and I don't really want to risk getting blood on my sheets.

Only time Kaldur goes out of the way to go either super mother hen or avoid me. Really depends on how I act.

And if you're not a girl...you are lucky.

I walked out to the living room, staggering slightly.

I'm not really hungry and I don't want to watch TV...

Maybe I can go somewhere to relax or something.

On my way to the room where the Zeta Tube's are, I tripped.

I felt something warm drip down my side as I stood, my vision getting blurry for a second.

Shaking my head, it cleared up. I'm not healing it. I deserve it, this is justice.

I should have died instead of them. Or at least should have been hurt more than I was.

How did I let my friends all die...and how did I come away with no real injuries?

How am I still alive...no, why am I still alive when the people I promised to protect are all dead.

I started feeling dizzy and I placed my hand against my side, it coming away covered in blood.

A smile appeared on my face and a small laugh escaped my lips.

I tried to move my feet, but it was like they were glued to the floor.

Guess I'm not going to go anywhere today then.

Slowly, I sank to my knees, tears falling down my face.

Not from pain. I'm more than used to that. Just from the fact that I'm a failure. How many times have I told people it was going to be okay?

How many times have I told people they wouldn't die? That I wouldn't let anything happen?

I bit my lip and swallowed, then coughing...blood spraying the ground in front of me.

My eye's widened slightly before my vision started fading.

I fell sideways, head hitting against the floor before I finally slipped off.


I have to go on a college visit tomorrow...


And then two quizzes on Friday and Monday...and I have some Government homework that's due on Fri too...

I'm gonna go work on some more chapters

See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now