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I took a deep breath, water filling my lungs.

"Percy, no water in the house." Orin walked into the living room.

"Orin..." I groaned. "I'm tired."

He sat down beside me and rested a hand on my knee. "Then go to bed."

"It's too early. Besides I want to see whatever Kaldur finds."

He said he was going to go for a swim and he usually finds a lot of stuff. Some of which I'm going to use to decorate his room in the Cave with.

It's seriously the most boring room I have ever seen. Nothing like his room at home or even here with Orin.

"Maybe he'll get-"

He cut off as somebody knocked on the door.

A frown crossed his features. "Get this cleaned up. Kaldur has a key."

As he got up, I split the water up before using it to water the houseplants.

Why he keeps them I have no idea. He's almost never here.

"Arthur Curry?" A voice drifted through the door.


"I'm with child services. Do you have any children living here with you?"

"Not-" He couldn't even finish a sentence before the person interrupted him.

"I have reports here of an orphan illegally staying here with you."

Oh well...this might end badly for me.

"How do you know she is an orphan?"

I peeked around the corner and saw Orin standing in the doorway, blocking the social worker's way in.

"May I-"

"Orin let them in." I spoke up, stepping into view. "And I'm not an orphan by the way."

"All the information we have on you says otherwise. This says your mother died in childbirth and your father died in a shipping accident."

"Her mother died a few weeks ago." Orin moved out of the doorway and the lady walked in.

"And her father?" The lady raised an eyebrow.

Orin and I glanced at each other and I opened my mouth to respond when the door opened.

"Percy, I found a lot of stuff." Kaldur walked in, water dripping off of his clothes.

"Kaldur..." Orin sighed. "Didn't you take a towel with you?"

"Yes..." He walked back outside.

"Her father asked me to let her stay here while he is away on business."

As she kept asking questions I started humming. Come on...leave.

"Sorry to bother you, I'll be going now." Yes! Didn't know if it would work with humming.

Kaldur passed her in the doorway and raised an eyebrow. "What was that about?"

"No idea. What'd you find?" My eyes were drawn to the bag hanging off his shoulder.

"I'm going to start on lunch. How about you look through that in the living room. I'm not cleaning off the table again."

The two of us nodded. We sat on the floor and Kaldur opened his bag.

"There was a lot of sea glass. But I did manage to find some shells." He started to lay the stuff on the floor.

"Driftwood?" I picked up a piece, smiling.

"I know you like using it for decoration. And...I asked Garth to bring me something." Kaldur pulled out a box.

"Happy birthday." It was pressed into my hands.

I opened it and stared at the contents. Seven crystal shells. My hands shook and I dropped the box.

"Percy, please be careful. I spent a year's allowance on these." Kaldur managed to catch it before it hit the floor.

"I...I'm sorry." I sobbed. Why does- This doesn't- I- I couldn't-

"Are you okay?" He reached out a hand to touch me and I pushed myself backwards.

Why did-

"Percy?" His hand gripped my arm and I fought to pull away.

That only led to me being held close to him. Pressing my hands to his chest I tried to shove him away.

"Let-" I couldn't get anything else out. I- What-

"Breathe Percy. Breathe." Kaldur tried to help but...him holding me like this isn't helping.

Eventually I managed to get him away and I pressed myself into the corner. My eyes were scrunched close and my arms wrapped tightly around my stomach, fingers digging into my sides.

Going to- He'll just- They'll take-

"Orin!" Kaldur yelled, trying to pry my arms away.

Quickly another set of hands joined his, easily separating my hands from my stomach.

"Percy listen to me. Calm down. Tell me what's wrong."

"Don't want to leave-" I choked out.

"Is that what this is about? She's not going to take you. You did good, not that I approve but I'll talk to your-"

I shook my head, my light headedness getting worse. "Why did I let-"

"Why did I let them die?!" I leaned forward into Kaldur's arms.


I stared down at Percy, my chest hurting as she sobbed. I can't tell what is from my own feelings and what us what her father inflicts anymore...

Shifting my gaze to my king, I lightly rubbed Percy's back.

My king sighed. "Do you know what triggered this?"

I hesitantly nodded. "Her birthday gift."

He picked up the box and picked out one of the shells.

"You know, if you would have told them that it was for Percy, they would have given them to you." He turned it so it refracted the light. "If I didn't know better, I would say you could find these for cheaper up here."

"It is not truly be a gift unless you are willing to sacrifice something for it." My gaze shifted back to Percy and I sighed.

"I renew my oath to my princess, Perseus Jackson, daughter of Poseidon.  I swear my life to her, to her protection and wellbeing."

She's a gift.

And I'm willing to sacrifice everything for her.


How'd you like it?


Fun storytime

My case worker got switched to a different lady and my dad had to call for something or other

The new lady had to get the first lady to handle my dad


Imma go eat max and cheese

See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now