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I laughed softly, holding my arm against my body.

"What were you thinking?" Kaldur sighed, trying to pull it away.

"I wasn't. I'm a doer not a thinker." I finally let him pull my arm away from my body, wincing as the bone shifted.

"Hey dude- Uh...what happened to her?"

"She just dislocated her arm. While we were gone we encountered a robbery and Percy took a blow meant for me." Kaldur didn't look back at Wally as he gently set the break.

I bit my lip to keep from crying out.

"And you are probably going to end up in a worse state than this." He mumbled.

"Haven't yet." I replied, waiting for Wally to leave.

And when he didn't... "Uh, Wally? Can you leave please? This is like really awkward."

He narrowed his eyes at me before speeding away.

What was that about?

Kaldur walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a water bottle.

"Why do you-"

"They tend to forget I need more water than normal humans. So I usually store some in here in order to have some close by if I am injured." He opened the bottle and poured some over my arm.

About thirty seconds later and I was healed up. "I really don't know whether to applaud you for that or yell at them."

He shook his head. "They all have their friendships. They do not worry over my safety."

I frowned. "They should. You're the leader Kaldur."

He smiled and pretended to move my arm back into place, to which I played along.

"You looked a little too happy about doing that." I glared at him playfully.

He pulled me up into a hug. "I believe you have the exact opposite opinion when it concerns your safety."

"Because I'm prone to doing stuff that will probably get me killed. It would be easier for them to deal with it of they didn't care."

He sighed and tightened the hug, humming slightly.

"Unfortunately for you...I care." He mumbled, lightly rubbing my back.

"Okay let me go. This is getting weird." I pushed him away from me, before rubbing my arm where it had broke.

"I believe Canary is here, Wally was probably going to inform us of that." He said before walking out of the infirmary, waiting for me in the hallway.

"Kay." I followed after him as he led me to the training room.

"Ah there you are, we were just about to start. How is your arm?"

"It's fine now. I've dealt with worse."

"With your four years in the military I can believe that." Canary smiled at me. "Would you care to show us what we have to build upon?"

"Sure, why not?" I walked over by her. "Who do you want me to fight?"

"Kaldur, would you-"

"I would prefer not to." Kaldur interrupted her. "I am sorry for interrupting but I implore you to choose one of the others."

"Okay... Artemis?"

"Yeah I'll do it." She glared at me.

Artemis settled into a fighting stance, while I shifted my weight slightly.

The two of us stared at each other for a minute before she made the first move.

Dodging to the side I grabbed her arm and flipped her.

When her back hit the ground her first reaction was to try and kick me...

"Not happening." I mumbled, pressing an arm to her neck.

"That is enough."

I nodded and stood, offering Artemis a hand...which she refused.

"You really do know how to fight." Connor commented.

"Like she said four years of military service-"

"There haven't been any large scale conflicts though." Robin stated, looking at his computer. "No wars in the last four years."

I let out a small sigh, shoulders dropping as my vision went blurry for a second.

Kaldur placed a hand on my shoulder. "You should go take a nap."

Normally...I would argue with him...but right now...I need one.

"I'm...gonna take a nap...I uh...just need to get some more sleep so somebody stops being a mother hen!" I turned around and found my way back to my room.

But when I made it in...I...I sank to the ground a few soft chuckles emanating from my lips.

No wars?

No wars?

Try two.

Two of them...two of them where my friends...my family...died.




"Nonononono." I held my head in my hands.

"Mom? Paul?"

"Not this. Please not this." I sobbed.

There was no answer.

"Mom?! Paul?!"

But nobody came.

So I started to look...more blood splattered as I went.

I curled up, back pressed against the wall.

I placed my hand on the doorknob and it came away sticky.

What in Hades happened here?

When I opened that door...I wasn't prepared for what was behind it.



I was only barely aware as my door opened.

"Percy, do you- Percy!?"

I felt hands on my face and my eyes focused for a second on Megan.

"Hold on. I'm going to help you." She mumbled before pressing her forehead to mine.

Her eyes searched mine as she tried to get me to let my barriers down.

I was still only vaguely aware, hearing my echoing scream.

After ten minutes she succeeded in entering my mind and coaxing me out...back into reality.

"Thanks...um. let's not tell anyone about this kay?"


"Let's not tell anyone about this."


My friend might be spending the night tomorrow



Cause tennis match and wedding...

Which I don't want to go to...

And I asked my one friend and she said it was totally socially acceptable

And I mean I frankly don't care cause I can literally walk home if they have an issue


See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang