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I sighed, running my fingers through Percy's hair as she laid across my lap.

"What's wrong?" She poked me.

"Nothing. It just worries me that we have no memory of what happened the past few days."

"Kaldur, that is something." She sat up and stared at me. "Besides, Orin said we just got turned into little kids. No big deal."

"It is a big deal if one of the other League members found out about you."

"They would have said something to Orin. Plus, I was still terrified of the gods up until like this year."

"Really? I wouldn't have thought that, given how much sass you've given them." I laughed.

"Shut up." She playfully slapped me.

Standing up, I looked down at my princess. "Can we make cookies?"

Her eyes immediately lit up and a smile spread across her face. "Yes!"

As she gathered stuff from the cabinets, I could barely smile.

I don't think she realizes what day it is. And...I hope she doesn't.

"Is there a radio in here?" She questioned.

"I should be able to find some music on the TV." I grabbed the remote and scrolled through to find the music channels.

And when I saw a certain one I couldn't help but pick it.

"Christmas music?" Percy laughed and started measuring out the ingredients. "If you're putting that on you better start helping me."

"Okay." I walked over and cracked the eggs into a small bowl.

"You finally learned. How many times did you get the shell in there?" A smile danced across her lips.

"More times than I can count. Here."

Percy took the bowl, softly singing Jingle Bell Rock.

I could feel the pull of her voice, but thankfully I am used to it. Laughing softly, I started singing as well.

"Uh...why are you listening to Christmas music? It's August 18...plus don't you guys believe in the Greek gods?" Robin walked in and I could see Percy tense up.

"It's the eighteenth?"

"Yeah. And-"

"I asked her to make cookies and she finally agreed to it. Mainly to take focus away from what day today is."


Percy sighed. "Bad memories."

I scooped out a little bit of cookie dough and flung it at her.

"Hey! Don't waste it!" She turned to glare at me, something that wad ruined by the dough on her face.

"We both know more of it will get eaten than baked." I smiled.

She simply rolled her eyes and started putting the dough on the cookie sheets.

My shoulders dropped as I noticed her change in behavior. "Percy..."

"I'm fine Kaldur. Just tired." She finished up and shoved the trays in the oven.

I pressed my lips together and walked over. Wrapping my arms around her, I held her close to my chest.

As Robin walked away, I couldn't help but glare at his turned back. I know he doesn't know about the reasons, I know he...

I sighed and rested my head on hers. "I want to renew my oath."

"You don't have to-"

"I want to renew my oath." I repeated pulling her closer.

"Later." She managed to pull away. "Cookies are almost done."


"Something's definitely going on." Dick walked in. "Kaldur just threw cookie dough at Percy."

I frowned. "There's no way he's actually our Kaldur. But the real question is...what about Aquaman?"

The Team was silent.

"Better question, how do we confront Percy?" Connor crossed his arms.

Dick sighed. "No idea. Borrow Wonder Woman's lasso?"

"We should wait, just until we have actual proof." Artemis fixed her ponytail. "We don't want to accuse her and then have no way to prove it."


I grabbed a cookie and bit into it, smiling as I did so.

Kaldur stared at me for a few seconds before a smile appeared on his face too.

Then he picked me up and dumped me onto the couch.

"Kaldur..." I sat up and stared at him.

Sighing he hopped over the back to sit next to me. "If I ask, will you tell me what's wrong?"

I hesitated before nodding.

He gently took my hands and stared me in the eyes. "What is it?"

"I...I still...I still see it." I mumbled, pulling my hands away. "I close my eyes and I see monsters and deaths and-" A sob broke past my lips. "Why?! Why do we have to fight?!"

My eyes were closed as Kaldur pulled me to him, gently hushing me.

"Why do we have to die for them? Why do we need to do this? They're gods!"

Kaldur didn't stop trying to hush me, but he did release me so he could put a hand on the side of my face.

"Look at me Percy." He gently wiped away my tears. "Look at me."

I shifted my eyes to lock onto his face, his eyes obviously filled with concern.

"I know you think it's your fault. But it's not Percy. It's not your fault."

"I led them into battle, I rallied them to fight. I could have done things differently. If I would have died before I reached sixteen-"

"Shut up Percy! Just shut up!" He yelled, starting to cry himself. "Don't make me think about that! Do not make me think about the possibilities! And please stop. I know you feel guilty, but you have no reason to feel that way. So please...stop."

Okay. That was either adorable or traumatizing. As the author's friend she personally makes sure I either fall on love with her chapters or am traumatized by them. I can only imagine how you feel because you aren't given a heads up.


Hey look

It's my friend

(Not an actual representation of my friend)

But yeah, I had her type that while I drove her home (she doesn't have wattpad so she reads this on my phone)

Speaking of which, got a new phone.



I should update my other books...


See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now