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"Beach day!" Wally ran inside a beach ball tucked under his arm.

I tilted my head slightly at his behavior, before my eyes widened.

I still have the stitches.

"Sweet. I'm gonna go get changed." Robin walked out of the living room.

"I think a beach day sounds agreeable. What about you Percy?"

Kaldur sighed when I didn't respond.

"What is the matter?" He mumbled, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I just don't feel like swimming."

"Who are you and what have you done with Percy?"

I leaned over and hugged him. "I just want to lay here."

Standing, Kaldur picked me up and carried me back towards the rooms.

"Go get changed. You're coming outside whether you want to or not."

"You really think you could make me?" I raised an eyebrow.

A smile stretched across his face. "I probably could, if I made enough cookies."

I sighed. "You just have to know my weakness for dam cookies didn't you?

"It's not a weakness that is hard to discover. Now go get changed."

Kaldur walked into his room and I did the same, taking off my shirt the moment I closed the door.

I lightly ran my fingers over the stitches still in me.

The ambrosia and nectar healed it, but how is Kaldur going to react when he sees more scars?

Biting my lip, I shook my head. It doesn't matter. If he says anything I'll just act like he didn't see them the first time.

I pulled out my bikini and changed into it. You know, I don't even remember why I got this.

I haven't went swimming in a pool in a long time. And I don't really need a swimsuit at camp so...I have no idea why I have this thing.

"Percy are you ready?" Kaldur knocked on the door.

"Almost, I just have to find the top. Cause somebody though it would be a good idea to put it in a different place than the bottom." I opened a drawer, looking for my one pair of scissors.

"I believe that was you Percy. I will wait for you in the living room."

"Thanks!" Where are- There!

I carefully cut the thread before pulling out the stitches. It is at this moment that I would like to thank Will for teaching me how to do this.

And I thought those classes would never come in handy.

After I took out all the ones that are visible, I went out to the living room.

"Come on." Kaldur smiled at me, grabbing my hand. Then he pretty much dragged me outside.

As our feet hit the sand, I grinned taking in the morning breeze.

"Get in here! The water's fine!" Wally yelled, splashing Robin with water.

I looked at Kaldur. "Race you."

"Last one there has to make cookies." He raised an eyebrow.

"Sure. Ready? On your mark...Go!" I sprinted for the water.

"No fair!"

"All's fair in love and cookies!" I yelled back at him, running into the surf until it was up to my waist.

Then I turned around, only to be tackled by Kaldur.

"Really?" I chuckled.

"I already have to make you cookies, what is the harm in tackling you?"

Rolling my eyes, I stood. Then I ignored the stares I was getting from the rest of the Team.

"Get up." I placed my hand against the water and used it to pull Kaldur up.

"I hate it when you do this." He grumbled as the water sat him up on the beach.

"And I hate when you mother hen."

"Do you two want to join in our splash fight?" Megan questioned, looking between the two of us.

"Sure. Splash!" I shoved some water at Wally.

"It's on!" He skimmed his arm over the water super fast.

Rolling my eyes, I ducked under the water swimming behind Connor.

Then I popped up and splashed him.

He narrowed his eyes before splashing me back.

This continued to escalate between all of us until a wave of water crash down on me.

"Really Kaldur?" I looked at him.

"That was not me." He put his hands up.

"Then who else?" I raised an eyebrow.

He shrugged and I could see his tattoos glow as water grabbed me and put me out up on the beach.

"Are you freaking kidding me?!"

"Payback." He smirked.

"I think we should eat." Wally ran up and over to a picnic basket.

Um...since when was that there? No. I don't want to know. Cause I'll just feel like an idiot after I find out.

"You always want to eat." Artemis  slowly walked up the beach, water dripping from her green bikini.

"Come on babe, you know I have a fast metabolism." And he already has his mouth full of food.

We all sat on the large blanket, accepting the food as Megan dished it out.

"So, Percy...are you enjoying being in your own element?" Robin didn't look at me, instead focused on making sure Wally doesn't steal his food.

"Yeah. Feels nice and relaxing." I tapped my fingers against my leg. "Although you haven't went any further than you can touch...can you not swim?"

"I can swim... it's just the way I was taught to swim wasn't-"

"What's with the scars?" Artemis interrupted him, staring at me with barely concealed contempt.

I was silent, not knowing how I should respond to this. What if they want a more detailed explanation than what I give?

"She served four years of military service." Kaldur came to my rescue. "Many of the scars are easily explained by that."


I have today off so I'm gonna go get some food, feed my animals, play video games, make some pies, and maybe type

Also I forgot I had homework so that's all still at school...


See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now