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Are you sure you're fine Kaldur? This is a desert and... Megan trailed off.

I shook my head. I will be fine.

You keep saying that but you haven't gotten any better. Wally commented.

He will be fine Kid Flash. He has been worried about Percy. My king looked over at him.

"We all know the plan?" Robin stood up.

"You will attempt to take down this operation while my king and I focus on retrieving Percy." I slowly got up, trying not to let them know how much pain I am in.

I had to hide the extent from my king...and he knows the reason behind it.

"Let's go." Wally pressed his emblem, activating stealth mode.

I nodded and did the same before we all walked out of the Bioship.

I'll scout up ahead.

Careful Miss Martian. We do not know who we are up against. I cautioned.

I'll be careful.

She camouflaged herself before flying off.

We've got trouble, Kobra, Sportsmaster, and Psimon. I'm going to cut the link.

I bit my lip and looked at my king before taking off towards the tent village.

"Which one?"

"Split up Kaldur. I'll take the far side and make my way to the middle while disabling as many as I can. You take the rest and try to avoid conflict." He whispered.

"Of course my king." I mumbled, turning and running to the nearest tent.

Looking inside...no one I care about.

You guys are on your own, Kobra and his cult are keeping us busy. Megan temporarily brought the link back up.

I pressed my lips together and continued, eventually following after a dark figure.

They entered a tent and I peeked inside. Just a henchman.

I covered my mouth, trying to suppress my cough as I passed by.

I don't think...I don't think Percy has much longer.

I've never felt this bad. Ever.

A familiar enemy walked out of a tent.

I narrowed my eyes and snuck over, peeking my head through the flap.

My eyes widened at the sight within.

Metal posts driven into the ground, wooden boards reinforced the walls...


"Percy!" I could barely force the whisper out, relieved yet horrified.

My princess laid on the sand covered in injuries, blood, vomit, and-

I had to cover my nose, the stench making my eyes burn.

Then I shook myself out of it, rushing to slice through the chains.

"Percy..." I shook her gently, eyes taking in all her-

She's naked.

Looking up I scanned the tent for anything I could use to cover her up.

I groaned softly, spitting out some blood.

Okay. I think I have a plan.

I stood and walked over to the tent flap before ripping off a sizable piece.

I laid it on the ground and gingerly picked up Percy. Then I laid her on the material  before wrapping her up.

Her breath was labored and sweat poured down her face, her mouth moved like she was trying to speak but nothing left her mouth.

"It'll be okay. I have you." I mumbled, picking her up once more. Rushing back to the Bioship I ignored the fight going on in my peripheral vision.

The tent she was in was almost at the center...it is a miracle from the gods no one tried to move her.


I have Percy, we need to get out of here-

I flew through the air, turning to shield Percy from the ground.

Mammoth stared down at me before pulling his fist back.

I rolled to the side, closing my eyes.

I...I should be able to do this...

I've only tried once before...but...

"I evoke my oath!"

My tattoos began to glow and I focused. I can do this...

A rope of water wrapped around him, and I could tell from the sand a strong wind was building around him.

That should buy me some time.

I took off towards the Bioship barely making it up the ramp before collapsing to my knees, tattoos fading back to black.

"Here." Robin tried to take Percy from me but I held her closer to me. She needs to be safe. Especially if she wakes up she's going want me to be there.

"Kaldur, hand her to me." My king held his arms out. When I stared at him, he sighed. "You know I will not harm her."

"I...I..." I reluctantly parted with Percy as my king took her from me. "I failed her..."

He rested a gentle hand on my shoulder before taking Percy to the med bay.

I just sat on the floor with my head in my hands. I...

I failed her.

I failed her...

And...I hoped my king was right and it was my guilt but...no.

I should have known it was from me not managing to do my damn job.

"She'll be fine." Robin said.

"I hope so." I mumbled, getting up to go help King Orin.

As I walked in, he was just covering Percy with a blanket.

"How is she?" I have a bad feeling in my gut.

My king's shoulders dropped. "She lost a lot of blood and her injuries...I don't think she would have lasted another day."

"Did you try water?" My eyes moved from injury to injury.

He glared at me. "Why didn't you?"

Then he realized what he did and his gaze softened. "Kaldur..."

I turned and walked away, barely holding back my tears.

"I failed you Percy..."


Howya doing?

I'm just gonna barricade my house, do homework and try to prepare myself for four hours of torture on Wednesday.

See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now