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I sighed and looked at the bottle Kaldur had in his hand.


I bit my lip and looked away from him, my actions giving him the answer he already knew.

He sighed and sat next to me. "Percy, why?  Why haven't you been taking these?"

I didn't respond, straightening my shirt.

He opened the bottle and forced two pills into my hand. "Take them."

"Kaldur...they...I don't like this."

"You don't like what?" He rested a hand on my leg. "They are supposed to help you and they can't do that if you don't take them."

"When I take them I...I feel fuzzy. And I don't react as fast as I need to." My hands clenched into fists.

"You haven't been on them for very long and-"

"They don't help with survivor's guilt Kaldur. They don't help with PTSD. All they do is correct chemical imbalances in the brain."

I sighed. "Why should I be taking them when they won't help?"

"If they weren't working, you wouldn't be getting the side effects. You might get sick but that's about all Canary said."

"I don't get sick Kaldur. And...when I was taking them, I wasn't as fidgety.

He frowned slightly, realization dawning in his eyes. "You think it may be affecting your ADHD?"

"Maybe." I shrugged. "Could also be something completely different. But I'd rather not take chances."

Kaldur took the pills back and put them in the bottle. "Are you still talking with Canary?"

"When she doesn't press about my childhood, our relationship, my flashbacks, my mom...so no." A smile crossed my expression. "Seriously, that's all she ever gets me to try and talk about."

"Do you know that she asked me and Orin to go in with you today?"

I groaned. Well that's just great.

Kaldur's arm wrapped around me and he pulled me close. "I did not tell her about yesterday. I believe Orin did."

I just stared at the wall. "You know nothing's going to work right? My flaw is what could kill me. Never thought it could have meant like this though."

"It's my job to keep you alive. Even if your father didn't kill me I am sure one of your cousins would."

"I know." I reached over and grabbed his hand.

He laced his fingers through mine. "Then let me do it. Stop making stupid decisions that could end up with you hurt or dead. Just let me do my job."

Then he stood and pulled me up with him.

He stared at me for a brief moment before tangling his fingers in my hair and pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Please." He mumbled, leaning his head on mine.

I only rolled my eyes. "Fine, but only since you asked nicely. Also, you messed up my hair!"

He chuckled and smoothed it. "Since when have you cared?"

"Since I have to act like a soldier."

"Yet you choose to act like a three year old."

"Shut up!" My face heated up.

The smile quickly left Kaldur's face and he sighed. "Come on, we do not want to make Canary wait."

Nodding I walked out of my room and towards the therapy room, Kaldur following close behind.

I paused in front of the door. "Why are you acting different?"

There wasn't an answer so I turned around and stared at him. "You going to answer or just stand there?"

He looked away, causing a frown to appear on my face.


"I'm...I am worried that's all. I've never had to worry about you as a threat before and if you truly wanted to do anything to yourself..." He trailed off.

I pressed my lips together. "You sure I'm the one who needs these?"

He stared at the floor. "Perhaps I do as well."

The door opened behind me and I turned to see Canary.

She didn't say anything but moved to let the two of us in.

I sat down in the comfy chair while Kaldur sat next to Orin in a folding chair.

"Maybe we can make some progress." Canary mumbled, sitting down in her chair.

"Maybe." I crossed my arms, sinking down into the chair.

"Percy, she says you've been refusing to talk...she can't help you if she doesn't know what's wrong." Orin looked at me.

"There's a reason I don't want to talk." My hands gripped the edge of the cushion.

"And what is it?" Canary raised an eyebrow.

I looked away and Orin placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Please, talk to her."

Sighing I looked over at him. I opened my mouth to speak but...

A sharp pain shot through my throat and I lifted a hand to it.

Kaldur's eyes widened slightly before his shoulders dropped.

"I'm just going to save these two some time, I'm not going to-"

"She hasn't been taking her medication." Kaldur blurted.

I glared at him and he smiled sadly.

"They need to know."

Orin struggled to form words. "Percy that's-"

"When was the last time you took it?" Canary interrupted him.

I shrugged. "Doesn't matter."


"It doesn't matter because it's my life and I don't want to talk about my feelings or whatever."

"Do you-"

Orin sighed. "I can handle this. Can you leave us alone for a little bit?"

Canary nodded and left the room, leaving me with two people who won't let me get away with silence as an answer.

"Percy, do I need to be the person you talk to? Would that make things easier for you?"

I swallowed and looked up at Orin. "I...I just don't like talking about it. Plus some of it is demigod stuff and I don't like thinking about some of that."

He pulled me into a hug. "Just- Just try to talk to her."

Releasing me he sighed. "Do you have your chiton?"

Uh oh...


"You need to go to a UN meeting as a princess to take my place as the Atlantean ambassador."

I had today off



I don't have much to say except I haven't annotated any of the eighty pages I should have or finished my chem homework

But this is why i have a study hall.


See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now