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Kaldur had a tight grip on my hand as we appeared in the Cave. It only tightened when he noticed the Team training.

"Black Canary." Orin called.

She held up a hand for us to wait, before quickly knocking Connor down. As soon as she finished the fight, she walked over to us.

"Is everything okay with these two?" She asked.

Orin sighed. "They are not physically injured. Turns out these two have no idea how to ask for help getting food."

"Okay, you know how proud Kaldur is. You know how hard I had to argue with him to get him to let me steal food?" I looked at Orin. Kaldur squeezed my hand. I rolled my eyes. "No. You don't get to lecture me. You ate more of that food than I did."

"You literally forced me to." He mumbled.

"What is she doing back here?" Artemis crossed her arms. "Come to brainwash all of us?"

"Okay you know what?! You need to fucking stop. And I apologize, my king, for my language but this needs to be said. You have no right to accuse Percy of brainwashing me or my king because you do not know us. You do not know Percy. I've know her almost since the day I was born. In case you have not noticed, I have a life outside of this team, outside of being a hero! You act as if I must be the same polite, stoic person with everyone I meet."

"We get that but it was-"

"A large difference? There are two reasons I act as I do. One is the fact I am Aqualad and must be respectful when acting as my king's champion. The second is I am constantly worried about Percy. If anything happens to here, I will perish! Living with the Team and having Percy by my side, I felt as though I was truly able to relax. I thought that since I trust you, you could return that trust. Guess I was wrong."

"Why- why would you die?" Wally's eyebrows scrunched together.

"I have told you. I swore my life to her."

"But what does that mean?" Robin questioned. Kaldur looked at me and I sighed.

"I'm not really Aquaman's second protege. I'm...I'm a princess. My dad is Poseidon, God of the Sea. Wonder Woman lied when she said they were dead. You can't really kill a god, and also my dad could beat the crap out of Ares. I did it at twelve."

"Black Canary, can you talk to them before Batman discovers I brought them here? I doubt he'll try anything after Lord Poseidon lectured the League, but the man does not seem to know fear." Orin said, moving infront of me and Kaldur. He was probably trying to protect us in case Connor lost the temper he was very visibly barely holding back.

"Are you sure they want to?"

"It was this or going directly to visit Kaldur's mother. They decided on you. In Percy's words, you'd probably have less of a distraught mom look. And less chance of grounding them."

Canary nodded and led us back to the therapy room. Kaldur sat down first and I sat on his lap. She raised an eyebrow.

"He's basically my brother, plus he's warm." I leaned back against him.

"She likes having someone trusted behind her." Kaldur wrapped an arm around me.

"Oh and, he's too heavy to sit on my lap."

"Rude. You let Tyson sit on your lap."

"No, that's called he sits on me because he didn't realize I was there and I don't have the heart to tell him to move."

"Have you two been doing well?" Canary interrupted us before we could keep going.

"About as well as we can. Hard to get enough food when you can't get a job."

"You both know that isn't what I mean." She kept her voice soft, nonaccusatory.

Kaldur swallowed and his grip on me tightened. "You do not need to worry about me. Percy has forbidden me from harming myself."

"Kaldur, that's not reassuring for me. Something someone else tells you to do can't control your actions."

I sucked in a sharp breath. "Well, uh, he physically can't disobey me. His oath won't allow it. Even if I tried to kill myself and he was there, I could order him not to stop me. Not that I would. If I die from any cause, he'll die too and Dad will murder Orin, Aunt Lana, and Calvin. Bit overkill but not the worst thing that could happen."

"Like being hugged by a man who hates you."

"Dad likes you. He just has some guilt or something about letting us get hurt when we were younger."

Canary stood up. "So the two of you will not attempt to harm yourselves?"

"If I try, Dad will lock me in his palace. Are we good here?" I ran a hand through my hair. I should probably get this cut. When was the last time I got a haircut anyway? I think it was-

"Percy." Kaldur poked my side. "Were you paying attention?"

"You know I'm ADHD." I smiled and got up. "I'm gonna go make some food to hopefully appease the goddess of your mother."

"No amount of food is going to get us out of this."

I chuckled and shook my head. The kitchen wasn't empty and most of the Team was still glaring at me.

"What's your issue with me now? Did I step on the wrong piece of floor?"

"Why'd you let him take that oath?" Connor growled.

"I didn't have a choice."

He rolled his eyes. "Sure you didn't."

*sings* I need to study

I am gonna do that now

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The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now