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"Which way did he go?" I asked, Riptide out. The gentle glow of the bronze allowed me enough light to see by, even though Kaldur complained about it screwing up his night vision. Not that it was helping much anyway, in the twisting turning labyrinth of trees we found ourselves in. No signal for our communicators, though Megan had the mind link up, so it's not like we were totally on our own.

Well, unless you counted the fact that, you know, Wally was trapped in vines and flirting with Poison Ivy. He was on his own, cause none of us were willing to get close to that hot mess of an issue. 

Robin, do you know if there were any hidden bases in the area? Kaldur asked.

No. We were only expecting Ivy to be here. Not Vandal. Stay safe you two. Miss M, cut the link. Psimon's here. 

On it. She said, before the link severed. 

"What is up with you and running into that guy? Are you sure he's not stalking you?"

""It would not be the weirdest thing." Kaldur narrowed his eyes. "This way." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the forest, not stopping when I stumbled. He was used to me loosing my footing at first, and I honestly would've been more concerned if he'd stopped. "I do not know the reasons why the Injustice League is here, but I doubt it is going to be anything good. Our top priority should be establishing contact with the Justice League."

"Something tells me that's not what we're going to do."

Kaldur grinned. "There is a small lake, which should have more than enough water for you to create an artificial flood throughout the forest."

"I like the way you think!" I laughed. He released me and we raced towards the lake. Off in the distance, I could see the barest hints of the moonlit waters. "I'll race you there. Loser buys dinner."

"I prefer homemade meals, Aquagirl."

"Well, you get what you get, and don't throw a fit." 

Kaldur slammed backwards, rolling down and down a hill. He flailed, attempting to break the hold he was in, eventually pulling free. He wrestled with the man, some guy in a flannel shirt. Alcohol basically radiated off of the man. Moonshiner possibly? Or just a stereotypically drunken hillbilly?

In minutes, Kaldur had the guy pinned and unconscious. Dusting off his hands, he stood. "I believe this earns me a five second head start. I sighed, knowing he wouldn't give in until I relented. 

"Go ahead." I spread my hands before me and shook my head, hoping he wouldn't see the small smile I bore. Happiness is honestly pretty hard to come by, but after this mission- That was five seconds.

I took off, arms and legs pumping. Twigs snapped under foot, my clothes snagged on briars, and I nearly stabbed myself in the leg by almost falling onto a branch. I'd need to see if there's a way to send dryads gift baskets, cause she definitely deserves one for keeping me from the torture of Will and Kaldur teaming up on me. It had only happened twice, and it is not something I am anxious to repeat.

Even more impressive is that it was by sheer coincidence. Neither of them knew what the other was doing. Well, I say coincidence but it was most likely Apollo nudging Hermes and saying 'you know what would be funny?'. Honestly, it wouldn't be the stringiest thing to happen.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I almost didn't notice the-

"No!" My feet slipped on leaves as I scrambled towards Kaldur. Water surged forward, knocking Sportsmaster back. Blood sprayed as his sword pulled out of Kaldur's flesh. Muddy ropes wrapped around Sportsmaster's limbs, coiling around like a third grader's art project. Without so much as thinking, I drew the water out of the mud, leaving him encased in a solid prison of dirt. I turned and slid onto my knees. My hands trembled as I pushed Kaldur over. I blindly felt for his neck. "Come on, come on," I mumbled, checking for a pulse. "C-come on. Don't do this. Please." My words broke as they fought past the lump in my throat. "Don't you fucking do this, Kaldur." A light touch brushed my cheek. My eyes widened, body frozen in place as a hand settled to press to my cheek. I looked down. Kaldur stared up at me, pale green eyes half lidded, hazy with pain. "Oh thank the gods."

He smiled at me, softly and in no way reassuring as it was no doubt meant to be. He sighed. Cold, clammy fingers wrapped around my wrist. "Do not," he said. Do not attempt something which may kill you, went unsaid.

"If I don't try, you'll die!" Blood was already pouring from the wound. I don't know how much he lost before and- oh gods, there's so much blood. The Team is still busy handling the others, and we're outside the-Blackjack can't reach- "You- You can't survive this unless I try this!" I cried, desperate.

"I know." He drew my hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to my knuckles. "I know." Glistening tears slid down his cheeks. "I know." Over and over again, those two words. He gasped, drawing in a gargling breath. 

Trying to swallow, I found my mouth dry. "I- I'm gonna heal-" Failing to finish my sentence, I let water swirl around my hands. I ignored the way my hands shook, how the water fought against my every command. Too emotional, too volatile. 

"Do not," he mumbled. "You cannot heal this. Just...be here. Please."

Tears streamed freely down my face, dripping onto the ground in their own respectful silence. My hand grasped his, and I gently stroked his cheek.

By the time the Team got here, Kaldur's gasping breaths had long since silenced. 


This was a fun final chapter.

See yah

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