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"Are you sure you'll be all right? We don't have to head home right away." Artemis took her place next to Wally and Robin in the Zeta Tube.

"I am fine and will soon return home myself." I replied as their designations were called out.

They disappeared and I turned to look at my friends. "I am returning to Atlantis now and was wondering if you both would care to accompany me."

"We'd love to! I mean, I would..." Megan trailed off glancing at Connor.

"Thought you just went." He looked away.

I nodded. "Yes, but I need- I want to return more often."

"So why wait to ask until after the others took off?" Connor narrowed his eyes at me causing me to sigh.

I'd...I'd prefer to not take them but I do not want to face Tula and Garth by myself. And with Percy...

"I do not like to play games...but our friends would not do well with the extreme pressure at the bottom of the ocean. It seemed kinder not to make the offer in their presence."

"Whatever. Grab Percy and let's go." He gestured to the Zeta Tube.

"Actually...I thought we could take the scenic route."

Megan grinned. "I'll go wake the Bioship."

Nodding I started towards the living room to get Percy.

She was sitting crosslegged on the couch, staring intently at the television with her waterpack beside her.

"What is it Kaldur?"

"We...are going somewhere. Come on."


"Welcome to my birthplace...the Atlantean city-state of Shayeris." I stood up, looking out the window at my hometown.

"It's spectacular!" Megan exclaimed before stopping the ship.

"Isn't it?" Percy grinned lazily. "One of the most beautiful places underwater if you ask me."

Then she got up out of her chair so she could stand next to me.

"Are you shorter?" Connor looked down at Megan.

"It's the pressure, even the Bioship is smaller at this depth."

I looked at her in concern. "I hope you experience no discomfort...?"

"I'm fine. Honest!"

"Good. I have stocked the hold with more appropriate attire and rebreathers."

I meant it as an invitation for both of them but Megan simply waved a hand.

"None for me, thanks."

Which I should have expected considering she simply changed her skirt into leggings, removed her cape and sleeves, and created gills for herself.

"Gills. Nice touch." Connor smiled at her causing her to blush.

Percy chuckled softly. "Come on guys. Stop being cute it's embarrassing for the rest of us without somebody." She slightly elbowed me.

I took it without comment. I didn't tell her I was going back to Poseidonis the first time...additionally I did not tell her about Tula and Garth.

A hatch opened and I walked over before dropping out, followed by the others.

We swam for a little while before we came upon a familiar building.

This is my parent's home. My home.

I led my friends inside, noticing as Percy dropped away from us.

"Mother? Father?" I called.

Why can I understand you? Connor questioned.

Before I could respond, I was pulled from where I was floating, my mother holding onto my hands.

"Kaldur, you look thin."

I sighed. "Mother, please..."

"Sha'lain'a, let the boy breath."

I could hear Megan giggle.

"Aunt Lana!"

I was pretty much shoved away as Percy crashed into my mother.

"Percy?! It has been too long my child!" Mother crushed her in a hug.

I simply laughed and looked to my friends once again. "My friends, these are my parents, Sha'lain'a and Calvin Durham. Mother. Father. Meet Superboy and Miss Martian."

"Please, call me M'gann." She spoke in a perfect recreation of common Atlantean.

"You speak Atlantean!" Mother released Percy, allowing the princess to hug my father.

"Not really but my psychic abilities enable me to translate and communicate."

"Apparently G-Gnomes programmed me to speak Atlantean?"

Probably just common Atlantean. Percy commented through the link.

Then what do you and Kaldur normally use?

Royal Atlantean, we had to learn it when we started as Aqualad and Aquagirl.

Father placed a hand on my back and led me away but not before I heard Mother comment.

"I understand you...yet have no idea what that means..."

Percy fell in beside me as I listened to my father.

"Son, you visit Poseidonis this trip?"

"First thing in the morning." I replied, glancing at Percy who glared at me.

"For your sake I hope no one recognizes me." She spoke the older language.

"Relax, many Atlanteans do not know what you truly look like...besides we have our back up plan."

She nodded and swam towards where my room is located going to grab the paint.

I focused my attention back on Father who was laughing softly.

"You do well with keeping her out of too much trouble. But you must be careful. There are rumors that trouble brews in the capital."

I frowned and looked at him curiously. "What kind of trouble?"

He simply shook his head and pulled me into a hug. "Be careful my son. And make sure Percy is as well. She is just as much my child as you are."

When he released me, I nodded and headed towards my room.

Where are you going Kaldur?

Percy usually tries to steal some of my clothes. I am running out of shirts.

What about the one I'm wearing?

She never takes that style oddly enough...but I cannot wear that as a civilian.

When I entered my room I saw Percy staring in the small mirror above my dresser.

"What is it?"

She sighed. "Did Orin tell them what happened to Mom and Paul?"

I placed my hand on her shoulder. "I believe so. I also believe he asked them not to take the subject up with you. Now come on, we need to get going."



This is based off of the graphic novel so...I'm using the actual thing so be happy because I spent 4 hours using my hotspot so i could get it

And yes most of that is the dialogue because

Sea beyonce is perfect and i don't want to ruin her


See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now