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"Heads up." I tossed a bag at Kaldur.

He caught it without looking and sat it on the bed.

I frowned. "Heads up."

He reached his hand out to catch the bag and nearly fell onto the bed when I jumped on him.

"Percy, what are you doing?"

"Trying to get you to relax." I laughed. "Come on, we both know Orin won't let anyone come after us. And the two of us can hold our own in a fight, especially since I can use my full range of powers now."

"We are no longer living in a safe environment. We are jumping from hotel to hotel and we do not have time to determine if we are truly safe or not."

"Yeah, like the Cave hasn't been broken into before." I rolled my eyes. "Now come on, stop triple checking your bag and just relax for a little bit. It'll do you some good."

Before I could get him to agree, there was a knock on the door. I dropped from Kaldur's back and snuck over to the door. I stood on my toes to look at who it was. I instantly relaxed.

I opened the door and wrapped my arms around my dad.

"Hi princess." He said returning the hug. "You make it awfully hard to find you."

"Yet you still found us." I looked up at him with a smile, pretending that our last few conversations never happened. I pulled away and walked over to the bed. I sat beside Kaldur. "Why are you here?"

"I wanted to check on you." Dad said. He pulled the chair over from the desk and sat down. "So how are you?"

"We are-"

"I wasn't talking to you." Dad growled.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking and..." I trailed off when I noticed Dad glaring at Kaldur.

I stood up and grabbed Kaldur. I pulled him towards the door before shoving him outside. I closed the door and locked it before turning to look at Dad.

"What did I tell you?"

"About what?"

"About not being a jerk to him!" I yelled. "He's like my brother so for my sake can you treat him like you like him? You know him thinking you care about him won't change how he tries to protect me. With anyone else, I'd say go ahead and be worried but not with Kaldur. Not with the one person I trusted to tell my mortal spot. Sure Annabeth found out but I told him almost right away."

Dad sighed. "I don't want to risk it. Especially with you being the way you are."

I smiled sadly and sat on his lap. "Dad..."

"I don't want to lose you, princess. I know you won't accept immortality. I really wish you would." He mumbled. "I don't want to risk you getting hurt or killed because of me doing something like showing any amount of positive attention to him."

"Just, do it for me? Please?"

Dad didn't respond for a little bit, before offering a small smile. "Okay. I'll try."

"Good." I returned the smile and kissed his cheek.

I got up and unlocked the door, letting Kaldur in.

"Should I ask what you were speaking about or am I better off not knowing?" He asked.

Dad stood up and walked over to us. Kaldur tensed. He stared at me when Dad hugged him.

'What the Hades?' He mouthed.

I laughed. "Dad, you're weirding him out."

I regretted saying that. He pulled me into the hug and almost crushed my rib cage.

I wrapped an arm around him, knowing it's better to do this than to try to escape. Kaldur on the other hand didn't know that.

And so it wasn't a surprise to me when I heard something pop.

"If you ever let anything happen to her-"

"Dad, stop." I groaned. "Do you want to watch TV or something other than failing to be nice to Kaldur?

"TV sounds nice."

And that was how we ended up sitting on the only bed in the room. I laid against my dad and kept my eyes locked on the screen.

Kaldur was laying down, head resting on my legs.

"That can't be comfortable."

"Says the sleeping pretzel."

"That was one time."

"One time was enough. We had to cut you out of those sheets."

"Watch the show." Dad said.

I yawned. "I kinda just want to sleep."

"Then go to sleep, princess. You'll be safe."

"It's not my safety I'm worried about."

"I'm not going to hurt him."

"You also said you weren't going to have any kids. I'm living proof that you don't keep your word."

"Do I need to ground you?"

I shook my head before moving. Dad also moved letting me press myself into his side.

He gently rubbed my back, and the volume on the TV turned down.

I smiled in contentment. That smile only grew wider when Kaldur wrapped his arms around me. I relaxed and let him pull me away from Dad.

"So you want to do this?" Dad asked and before I knew it I was being held between my dad and my practical brother.

Though it was more like Dad was holding onto the both of us, because I'm pretty sure that's what's going on right now.

After a while of the silent standoff, I got fed up.

"Okay, can the two of you please stop being males and go to sleep?"

Me just sitting here like

What do dads do?

And how'd you like the...well it's not really fluff but...

How'd you like it?

I think the cover might change soon so that's nice and I'm gonna find more food

See yah

The Sea's Protector (Fem. Percy x Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now