Message From Writer

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Yes I know I have a lot of spelling and Grammar problems. I would fix them, but I don't know how. I just can't figure out how to edit the spelling and Grammar. If someone will tell me how, that would be great. As for the people who have asked me for my email address, I don't feel comfortable giving it out. Sorry about that, if you want to communicate with me you will have to do it threw the comments. If there are anymore problems, please let me know and I will do my best to fix them.

I am right in the middle of another Rangers apprentice fan fiction, and will have it published soon. It has nothing to do with this story line. So the little girl will have never existed, but Emma will be in it along with some others. This does not mean I will be stopping anytime with this story. Keep reading and pretty soon, the little girl is going to get a name.

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