A Favor Owed

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Lyra walked up to the club, the skirt swaying with every step. The doorman shook his head as she approached. He'd been told to expect her but hadn't thought that she would show. He waved her over around the lines, earning curious looks and murmurs.

"Looking to find trouble, again?" he asked as he opened the gate. She shook her head. He'd outright called her a troublemaker the night before, she remembered.

"Not tonight. Romulus asked me to..."

"Go straight to VIP and the office is next to it. The stairs to the left, all the way up. And no cover charge. Boss insisted." the man opened the door leading inside and gestured.

"Thanks, Stan," she said. It was no more than she had expected from a guy like Romulus. Always assuming he'd get his way. That he was right. A sudden question went through her mind. What if he was in this case? She walked towards the stairs, nerves jangling in her stomach.

She looked up at the window in time to see Romulus' silhouette briefly turn away, then face the glass again. Seconds later, Antares opened the door with a heart-stopping smile. That was for her? She glanced behind her, expecting to see someone else and he laughed delightedly at her obvious confusion. He came down the steps quickly and engulfed her hands in the warmth of his.

"It is good to see you again, my dancer," he said, briefly touching her hands to his lips. "Come, we have dinner set for you."

"I don't know what Romulus told you.." she began as they started towards VIP, working their way through the crowded club. The staff worked in concert as they kept his way clear until they reached the steps.

"That he had to talk you into coming back and that I should try not to scare you off this time. You must be hungry," he said with a quick grin. She started to deny that, but Antares was already tugging her up the stairs. So being a steamroller was something they shared, she thought with an aggravated sigh. The fact that it also came off as somewhat adorable was something she ignored blatantly.

Romulus turned from the viewing glass as the two of them entered the room. Again, he couldn't help but notice how well they moved together. Even when one of them was clearly frustrated and annoyed.

"You may as well give up. The man is unstoppable once his mind is set." Romulus said dryly, seeing the look on her face. "Antares, you have to let go of her hands before she can eat."

"Do you like Italian?" Antares asked, leading her over to a table. She nodded warily as she sat down. It was set perfectly and the smell of the food was incredible. How did a vampire have access to a chef like this? Then another thought occurred to her.

"What about the two of you? You seriously aren't going to sit and watch me eat, are you?"

Romulus smiled. He could see her mind racing, frantically trying to make sense of this. "No. Antares has a show to do and I have a club to run. We just thought you'd want to eat before..."

"Before what?" she wanted to know with a slight challenge in her eyes. Romulus met hers' with an answering gleam.

"Before you decided how you wanted to spend your evening," Antares said, picking up on the tension. He shot a questioning look at Romulus, who just shook his head slightly. She picked up the fork.

"I'll go get ready for my first set and see you when I take a break." Antares went towards the door then looked back. "You will still be here, won't you?" he asked. Mouth full, Lyra nodded and he flashed a smile before going out of the door. She swallowed.

"You didn't tell him?" she questioned.

"About what?" Romulus asked calmly, meeting her gaze.

"You know what. The blades." She stabbed at the food on the plate with a violent motion. He briefly pitied the fish she speared up as he knew she was probably visualizing him.

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