When Roads Merge: Right Lane

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"She is with us." Romanus said in the sudden silence that followed her entrance. "They helped her out of a bad situation."

Her eyes sliced to him then back at the woman lying sleeping on the sofa. The anger bubbling up in her was surprising, but real. The sense of betrayal ebbed away, but the anger remained. What the hell was this guy doing here?

"Starting a collection?" she asked sarcastically. Before he could respond, she shook her head. "No. Don't answer that. Sorry. I'm just..."

"No apology necessary." he broke in. "I've been an asshole. Now, there is something that we need to talk about. All of us."

Romulus sank back down onto the couch carefully as Antares went forward.

"Are you home for good?" he asked with a hopeful light in his blue eyes. She avoided his eyes and went over to the grouping of couches to sit. The light left his eyes and Antares sighed, walking back to his seat. He tugged Romulus' arm gently and Romulus slid it around behind Antares, still watching her. The divide was deepening and the courage that had brought her back to their door faltered.

"Alright then, Romanus. What do we need to talk about?" Antares said evenly. Romanus looked back and forth for a moment, his eyes dark.

"Ok, first, what is up with the three of you? Last time I was here, you were all over each other. What changed?"

"That falls under the heading of none of your damn business." Romulus said roughly, finding his voice. Romanus scoffed.

"You're my brother. That makes it my business."

"Just as you slipping your blood to a human was mine?" Romulus returned, temper flashing in his eyes.

"Do they do this every time?" Lyra asked, glancing at Arion, who shrugged with a glass in his hand.

"Pretty much." Antares replied, drawing her attention to him. Lyra drummed her fingers on her leg for a moment until her impatience got the better of her.

"I had my doubts as to whether or not I was toxic for them. That's what happened." Lyra interrupted.

"Which she isn't, but we're still working on convincing her of that." Antares finished. Lyra caught herself smiling and changed it to a scowl.

"We're working it out." Romulus said shortly. "That enough detail for you?"

Giving into the urge, Lyra switched couches so that she was sitting on his other side and gently pried his fingers from where they were gripping the couch. When he let go, she laced their fingers together.

"Don't do this unless you are going to stay." he whispered mentally. "I can't let go again."

"Let's start with friends and go from there, ok?" she responded after a moment. His hand gripped hers' briefly, but didn't answer.

Antares caught the glance Romanus gave to Arion. "We'll be fine, Romanus. What did you need to talk about?" The scent of the two of them stroked over his fevered appetite with a taunting caress and he fought to keep his magic from entering his voice. Both Rome and Lyra looked at him worried so he assumed he'd been unsuccessful.

"Vincent came to see me." Romanus said after a moment. "He wants my...well..truthfully our backing for some power play he's going to be making soon. He seems to think that you would understand what for."

"I'll be damned. The man grew a pair." Romulus murmured. Arion choked on the drink he'd just taken then shook his head with a grin.

"Mind letting the rest of us in on the why?" Romanus prompted. Romulus glanced at Antares.

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