Fanning the Fire

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Heat coursed through Romulus as he saw the images running through his lover's mind. He lifted his head and smiled into the wild eyes behind him adoringly. Pleasure still sang through his veins, yet an answering hunger began rising to match the fire in those eyes. Those beautiful electric eyes.

"We're not done," Antares growled against his damp skin, sending chills dancing across it.

"That is true. " He said with a husky laugh, putting a hand on the strong arm around his waist as it loosened.

"What is?" Lyra asked breathlessly. Romulus looked at her with a smile still lingering. The warmth in the dark eyes made her chest go tight. She wanted that warmth to take away the chill her heart had grown accustomed to and wanted badly.

"The fact that there is one of our family yet to be sated," he said, pulling away from Antares and sliding over her. She went back into the mattress willingly, her heart pounding. He nibbled kisses along her jawline, sending sparks of desire sizzling through her. Then, with an effortless show of strength, pulled them both up on their knees. Her hands gripped his slick shoulders for balance. "The man said both of us." he reminded her with a smile against her skin. Antares moved behind her and bit down on her shoulder, startling a cry of shocked pleasure from her.

"Easy, Antares." Romulus murmured. Antares released her shoulder and scraped across it with his teeth. A shudder ran through her as she leaned back into him.

"We're not easy, Romulus," he growled. He looked up and met Romulus' eyes. "You know what I want. What are you waiting for?"

A chill went through Romulus. He didn't know if that chill was apprehension or lust. Either way, desire gripped him.

"I was easing her into it," he responded slowly as the shining blue eyes held him. Lyra reached up and slid her hand through his hair. He looked away from Antares' eyes and into hers'.

"Don't," she said breathlessly. "I can handle it."

"Sweetheart, when he's like this, I can barely handle it," he responded mentally. Her eyes gleamed with a challenge.
"That just proves that you're not me," she replied.

He smiled slowly, answering the challenge. "Then let me tell you what he wants. He wants me under you with him behind you. As his fangs, because right now he has a set to rival any vampire, slide into your neck giving you that high that only a faery incubus can give, he wants my tongue sliding inside your body, feeding on your heat. Then he wants my fangs in you, so we can both feed, again."

"That's all?" she questioned breathlessly. "What are you waiting for?" her heart was pounding in her chest. Not with the fear that probably should have been present but an exhilarated anticipation. She felt. And for the first time in a year, what she felt wasn't pain. A thread of foreboding crept beneath the fire in Romulus' mind. This felt off. The reasons didn't feel right. He shook it off as Antares spoke.

"You left something out, Rome." Antares smiled with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. "Does that mean you don't trust me?"

"No," Rome answered, meeting those eyes with his own. "It means I didn't find it relevant to mention it as I know you wouldn't use it against me."

Antares scraped teeth across her skin, sending shivers through her. His thoughts were clouding and his teeth started to sink in. Romulus watched the shimmer of that dark skin glow suddenly and he changed the plan. Just in case.

"Antares!" Romulus said sharply and the incubus stopped, watching him with glittering blue eyes filled with challenge. "Bite me instead after I bite her."

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