A Storm Averted and a Haven Found

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"You pulled out of it quicker than you used to," Antares mentioned as he came over with a wary note in his voice. "I thought leaving the room might help but I didn't think it would that much."

"She helped." Romulus admitted grudgingly. Encouraged, Antares lay a hand on Romulus' shoulder. Romulus shook it off as the urge to lean into it crept in.

"Don't touch me yet." He snapped then swore when Antares just nodded and turned away. "You would let me strike out at you? Where is the fiery Antares that gives as good as he gets?"

"He is deserving everything he gets for hurting the man he loves. She didn't know, but I did. I took that addiction and used it against you. There is no forgiveness for that. I won't ask for it because I don't deserve it."

Romulus faced him, mind racing. He shoved back the bitterness of the perceived betrayal and focused on the pain underlying Antares' voice. "The choice was really you drink the iron from her body or use my addiction against me?"

"Yes and if I could go back, I would drink the iron with a smile before ever betraying you like that." The misery dripped from Antares' words and landed heavily on Romulus' heart.

Romulus stepped forward and put a hand on Antares' face. He made the incubus look at him before speaking in hard, clipped tones, enunciating every word carefully. "Do not ever say that again. I do not want you to die for me. If the choice is between my suffering or yours, I'll survive as long as I have you."

Antares smiled with a shadow of his former light. "I was thinking the same thing about you."

Romulus managed a tired smile. "Of course you were. I'm going to help Lyra interrogate our guest. You should get some rest. You used up a lot of energy today." He dropped his hand and walked to the door. Antares sat down on the bed and began undressing. "Antares?"

The dark man raised his head to look over questioningly.

"Our family is still whole, isn't it? We're still alright?"

Antares' face softened with a relieved smile as the same question had been running through his mind. "Of course we are alright. Your family is whole. Speaking of which,..." he glanced down at the door Lyra had exited from. "There's someone else who needs reassurance. See that she gets it. She saved us tonight."

"I know. And I will."

"Do not let her think either of us hates her." Antares stood, letting his pants slide to the floor then kicking them to the side. Hunger went through Romulus like a knife. Antares paused when he heard the intake of breath. "Should I sleep with boxers on until this cools for you?" he asked concerned. Romulus let out a laugh, his eyes drinking in the sight before him. It put all the great works of art to shame.

"My beautiful lover, the time will never come when the fire in me cools towards you."

"I don't want to trigger a relapse," Antares said stung. Romulus' smile faded at the obvious distress. His love's soft heart was still bleeding from the beating it had endured today. Tears had yet to dry on his face. Romulus took a step forward to gain his attention. This could be healed with a bit of truth.

"The desire my cravings give me is dark and painful yet brings with them a bliss. But it is a bliss that sickens me even as every cell in my body demands it. It is a sickness and weakness in me. What I have for you is pure fire. No pain or darkness. No despair. Just the bliss. Don't ever think that I want you the way my sickness makes me want."

"My touch set it off." Antares pointed out. Romulus was silent.

"True with a minor correction. Your magic set it off. Not your touch." He said after a moment. Antares walked over to him, muscles rippling. Romulus let his gaze roam over him unashamedly until he was in front of him. Even then his eyes caressed until they met Antares' bright blue gaze.

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