Unexpected Allies

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Romulus walked up to the bar where Leonardo's replacement was filling orders. "Carl, when you get a minute, tell the chef to send dinner up to Lyra." The man nodded.

"Will do. Leonardo was looking for you by the way. He's in the containment room." He set the drink in front of the customer and looked over. "He said it was important."

Romulus ran a frustrated hand through his hair, looking back towards their loft. He tested the private connection cautiously. It had been ages since Antares and he had seriously fought and there was an unspoken agreement to give each other space afterwards. Yet now, there was no time for their usual make up rules. He prayed silently that Antares would answer as he nudged the link. It opened slowly.

"I'm sorry, Antares."

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to."

"I know. Her apology I'm waiting to give until I am in front of her. There's a possible security breach so I won't be up as quickly as I'd like. Get her to eat? Dinner will be up shortly." There was a pause and he could feel Antares struggle to hold onto the anger. "I deserve that anger. I let my temper loose and shouldn't have. Reassure her that her sister and I have made our peace. There will not be a repeat."
The tone was still harsh for Antares but was relenting. Relief flooded Romulus. "I'll let you tell her."
"Is she still crying?"
the hesitancy in the question brushed the rest of the anger away. Antares sighed heavily. He was too tired to stay angry in the face of his lover's uncertainty.

"A bit, but she starting to settle. Come up when you can. We have much to discuss. Family business and this mess."

"I will."

Romulus took a moment to clear his head with a deep breath then went walking towards the containment area. He saw Pan starting to go backstage and halted him. "How is Dionysus?" he asked. Pan sighed, the usual twinkle in his black eyes dimming.

"He's grieving. It has become a process, but your Antares was right. The wings are helping."
Romulus nodded and started to turn. "Rome? I'm sorry."

"For what?" Romulus asked, head cocked slightly in confusion.

"For my part in your addiction. I didn't force you to but I did enable you while ignoring the signs of the spiral down. I know that look better than any."
"It is fine..."
"No. It isn't. But it won't happen again. Thank Antares for telling me, will you?"

Romulus laughed ruefully. "I think I'll hold off on that right now but I will once things settle. Now there's a security issue I have to deal with. Enjoy the performance." Pan nodded and watched Romulus walk away. His eyes drifted down and the scent wafted towards Romulus. "Not happening, Pan." Romulus tossed over his shoulder. Pan smiled and went to the stage. Couldn't blame a guy for trying.

Romulus saw Leonardo come out of the room alone with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Leonardo, you wanted to see me?"

Leonardo smiled as he tuned back in to his surroundings. "Yes, I did. We have a young gentleman in there saying that word on the street is that Rose is dead and we are recruiting."

Romulus frowned. "I don't remember putting the word out on either front. Is he here to volunteer?"

Leonardo nodded. "He is volunteering as well as offering the information network among the street gangs. The ones that many orphaned and stranded children joined after the Awakening."
"I've heard of them. Even the Shielders steer clear and some of their older members come to our doors for food at times. Did he sneak in?"
Leonardo shook his head. "No. He came in through the front door. It was his method of payment that had Stan flagging me down." He handed a cloth-wrapped package to Romulus.

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