Losing their head

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Lucille sauntered out of the shadows, braver now that the odds were back in her favor. Not the first time that mistake had been made.

"Coming for my head, are you? How has that worked out so far?" she mocked. Romulus smiled back as he stayed in between them and his brother. He rolled his shoulders to loosen them before he replied.

"Here you are, without your guards, her soldiers, or the council to hide behind." He twirled his sword. "Here I am with my sharpened sword and in excellent health. It looks good from where I'm standing."

He blocked a lash of red magic with the shield.

"She's not alone in the fight, you arrogant ass." Garnet snapped. She clearly was not used to being ignored.

"She might as well be for all the good it is going to do her."

"And neither is he." Lyra called from where she was stabilizing Antares. Garnet sneered at her.

"I don't see you up here with a sword..." As soon as she took her eyes off of him, Romulus lunged forward in a quick attack then spun around to block Lucille when she rushed forward. He parried, lunged, blocked, and evaded with a skill that took Lyra's breath away. Every so often, blood would spray briefly as he scored a hit. The wounds healed almost as soon as he made them. A critical strike was the only thing that would even slow either of them down. To do that, he needed an opportunity. So he whirled and blocked, at times even just baiting them with quick insulting nips of his blade. Waiting. Watching.

"Just look at that, Antares." she breathed, opening her wings so he could. "He thinks we're beautiful when we perform?"

Antares smiled, using her voice to gain another inch of control. "When in truth, he is the most beautiful while performing his violent ballet with a skill that inspires both fear and lust."

"You're making me blush," Romulus laughed in their connection as he rolled to avoid another magical blast. Garnet didn't handle being teased well. So of course, he must keep doing it.

"Do you need my help?" Lyra asked, stroking her fingers over the muted colors under Antares' skin. He was feverish, almost burning her fingertips but he was starting to cool.

"I need both of you exactly where you are. I've got this. Lucille isn't the issue. The other woman has been trained and trained well. But it isn't anything I can't handle."

He proved his words in the next instant as he sliced down Garnet's back as she turned to run for a switch on the table.

"That's the switch to open the portal for more soldiers, Rome! The portal was worked into the door." Romanus shouted when Romulus paused. He cursed and pursued. She reached it a split second before he did and slammed her hand down on it. A whirling was heard outside and Erick forced himself to his feet.

"I'll close the door and buy us some time." he said hoarsely. Before he'd taken the first step towards the door, Tav came running through the door, his hood flying back. He skidded to a stop and slammed the doors shut with a loud thud.

"There's an army coming through that damn thing." he panted. "Do what you need to and let's go." His worried gaze went over Erick then to where Antares sat on the floor in Lyra's close embrace. He went over to Erick and knelt down. "He's safe?" he asked Erick, head down focused on the wounds. Erick nodded.

"She's got him."

"They will surround the building and lock down the exits. There is no way out." Garnet said smugly. "Now about that deal?"

"Yeah, that'll be a fuck you on any deal." Tav tossed over his shoulder as he started bandaging Erick's wounds competently. "Don't ever shadow jump into this kind of thing without me again." he said quietly to Erick, who just shrugged.

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