The Game is Afoot

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Antares entered the room behind the king and queen, part of him relaxing. It was a welcoming space where he had spent many hours. It hadn't changed much. The fireplace still crackled with sparkling faery flame. The seating was still lush and comfortable.

"I would've thought that your vengeance thirsty mate would want to keep her for his own brand of justice after the curse she placed on you." The duke commented breaking into his thoughts. Antares smiled with an acknowledging nod.

"He intended to do just that before our situation arose. When we discovered she had a bounty on her head..."
"You decided to use her as leverage instead." the king finished. Antares inclined his head. "Good call. My queen's death still needed to be answered for."

Antares looked at the queen. "With that opening, I will say how glad I am to see you returned to your throne."

She grimaced a bit. "I'm really sorry, ...umm?"

"Antares." he supplied with a slight frown.

"Antares, but I don't have my memory of that time. So how much fun did we have before I met my mate?"

Antares laughed delightedly at her friendly flirting. "We had a great deal of fun though none of it in the bedroom. We were dear friends, but nothing more."

"As much as the two of you catching up warms my heart, you said something about matters of the heart." The king broke in. Lethe sprawled out on the couch, Astra curling up next to him. He looked around, stalling for a moment.

"Your Majesty, where are your dogs? Aren't they always with you? Or has that changed?"
"They are currently hiding from their cat." The king said with an annoyed look at an unrepentant Lethe.

"You're the one who wanted us here and we can't very well leave her there alone. She gets lonely."

"Matters of the heart?" The queen asked Antares. "Ignore them. It is an ongoing issue. Trust me."

"Yes, though it isn't the only reason I came today. I'd like to start out by asking if any of you have been paying attention to the vampire situation in the city I call home? It seems to be getting out of hand."

"What vampire situation?" Lethe asked. As he spoke, two large hounds crept into the room, drawn by Antares' voice. He smiled and sat down so they could approach. He pet them as he responded.

"I'll take that as a no from the king and queen as well?" His voice held no censure but the king's chin lifted at the implication.

"We've been busy down here as of late." the queen responded, laying a hand on the king's arm. "Please. Tell us of the situation."
"A group of mistress vampires have decided that male vampires can no longer police or govern themselves and taken it upon themselves to create and enforce a set of rules. The only punishments they mete out are torture and death."

"So things are normal with vampires then?" Lethe said with a cold smile.

"You think that but they launched a direct attack on my mate and his brother for not falling in line. Shortly after we imprisoned the former UnSeelie queen. Rome doesn't believe in coincidences and neither do I."

"Are all of you alright?" the queen asked. Antares took a deep breath then answered honestly.
"No. We're not. His brother's mate was almost killed and Rome himself is injured enough that it is taking time for him to heal. The odds are against us and we are not at our best."

"You're here seeking an ally in this fight." the king said slowly. Antares nodded, fingers running through the fur of the dogs to soothe the ache in his heart.

"I am. And I am desperate enough to do what I have to in order to get it. I can't lose Rome. You know that, Lethe."

"You sold a favor to a woman like Lorelei for him. I know." Lethe responded, resting his head briefly on Astra's. "You won't risk him."

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