To Fly or Fall

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Lyra reached back for the oil as Antares nibbled his way down Romulus' hard stomach.

"The two of you planned this." he murmured as she poured some of the oil down his chest as Antares reached up to smooth it over his tanned skin with a well-practiced skill. The oil warmed his skin as it was spread, sinking deep as a smile touched his mouth. He groaned as Antares stroked and teased his way back down.

"And?" Lyra nuzzled his neck, her hot breath whispering over him. "What do you plan to do about it, mighty warrior?"

He slid a hand into her hair as he turned his head to kiss her. "Enjoy every minute," he answered with a growl then gasped as Antares scraped teeth over his well-muscled abdomen. He laid his head back down, reveling in pure sensation. His mind murmured a reminder of one sensation he didn't yet have. Romulus nuzzled his nose down into her lap and she adjusted so that his head was on her stomach.

"I'm hungry." he murmured, tongue darting out to taste her sweet skin. She shuddered as pleasure nipped at her control.

"As am I." Antares returned. Romulus looked down at him and Antares returned the love radiating from those eyes with a soft kiss.

"Then feast." her voice was a purr as her fingers pet through Romulus' hair. The scent of the oils was heavy in the air with the flickering candles sending a dancing light over them. It was like something from a dream, she thought. Romulus' teeth sank into her thigh and let the taste of her coat his senses.

Antares ran his teeth across Romulus' thigh and smiled at the muffled groan. He licked delicately and met Lyra's eyes, watching her eyes dilate. His bright blue eyes gleamed as he closed his mouth over Romulus, the salty taste of his skin making him hum with pleasure. Romulus' clenched in his hair then released. His tongue teased Romulus leisurely making the grip in his hair tighten again, causing a pleasurable pain. Antares did what he enjoyed most and gave his lover exactly what he was silently asking for. Slow, deep. He savored the deep taste of musk that coated his throat and took him deeper.

He felt the pleasure rising in his mates and with a hesitancy born of habit, started to feed. The colors under his skin began glowing with a magic long repressed. It whispered and swirled around him and his feeding grew bolder.

"Gods, you are amazing." Romulus groaned thickly, closing off the wound where he was feeding. The pleasure sank into his soul as the magic began swirling around him seductively.

"Antares, is it safe for us both to feed now?" Lyra asked. Romulus glanced up and saw her eyes glowing with blue light. A hunger for more bit into him with more ferociousness than his hunger for blood had ever been.

"Go on," Romulus said huskily then hissed as Antares pulled back with a scrape of teeth that sent lightning to join the fire in his blood.

"I'm not sure," he said, his voice husky. Romulus arched up a bit and slid his other hand into Lyra's hair then made them both look at him. His black eyes snapped with a fire Antares had never seen before. And craved more of.

"Go ahead. I'll be fine. I want to feel you both." He tightened his hands. "I'm going to feel you both."

The demand ensnared Lyra and she slid her oil-slicked hand over the one that gripped her hair. "Alright." she soothed then smiled seductively. "But are you willing to earn it?"

He released her hair. "What did you have in mind?" he murmured, his other hand still massaging Antares' head lightly. She smiled and sent the image to his mind. Antares hummed lightly as Romulus' body responded.

"I think he liked the idea."

She pressed her hands lightly onto his shoulder and he went down willingly. She adjusted so that she was over him and he wrapped his arms around her legs like an anchor. The solid feel of his arms holding her made Lyra's throat close briefly with emotion. He was holding her like he never intended to let go. In that moment, she believed that she would never have to worry about falling again.

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