Deadly Illusion

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Romulus and Lyra tore through the soldiers with a ferocity echoed only in each other. Lyra integrated the lessons she'd picked up from Romulus's memories flawlessly and he matched his movements to hers. Together they performed a macabre ballet of flawless movement through the soldiers and guards. The differences in the caliber of their opponents was swiftly revealed as they applied the pressure only deadly force could bring to the surface.

The guards were competent for what they were hired for. To guard a building with politicians. Not to face down the likes of the two that faced them now with young power and ancient expertise. They parted underneath the onslaught as fluidly as water, many falling before their weapons were even drawn. There was sympathy in Lyra's eyes as her blades cut them down. Romulus' eyes held none. Where she hesitated, Romulus didn't.

The soldiers themselves were more challenging and made the attempt to organize. Battle formations and barriers erected from flipped over tables served them well until Lyra used the barrier to vault into their midst. Once there, she reeked havoc. The whirlwind of momentum and blades tore through them, leaving bodies in its wake. Romulus smiled as she slammed two into the ground as she landed for a second time. So beautiful. She smiled at him when she heard his thought. Her eyes were drawn to where they had begun. The doors had been left open and the wounded were stumbling out in a mindless effort to escape their wrath.

"Rome, let them go." Lyra said when she saw him glance back, tightening his sword. He inclined his head and pushed forward towards their goal.

Romulus narrowly reached the soldier at the door before Lyra and stopped, remembering the wager they had made before they'd begun. He missed the feeling of silk and the fire his mates lit inside him. He tossed back blood-soaked hair with a twinkle in his dark eyes, spraying the wall with cast off of blood. He smiled at the man then knelt and began adjusting his boot. The bewildered soldier decided to take the opportunity and sliced down towards his neck. Lyra's blade sliced the man's head off and his sword clattered to the ground harmlessly. Romulus lifted his head with a feigned alarm, his hand falling away from his own sword. He smiled when he saw Lyra and stood.

"Ah, my hero," he said with a laugh. She hit his arm then ran her hand over the muscles appreciatively.

"Now, I know you lost on purpose." she accused. He shrugged underneath the weight of her feigned glare, unrepentant.

"What can I say? I enjoy being at the mercy of my mates."

The accusatory look dissipated as her grin broke through at his admission. "You don't have to lose a bet to get that." She glanced towards the doors they were in front of. "You know this is likely a trap, don't you?"

"Of course I do. It's the only reason why the doors stayed closed while we were out here making all kinds of noise. I smell magic as well. Focus on getting Remus and Arion out if we get separated." The unconscious command in his voice had her eyebrows raising slightly.

"I'll find you then we can get them. How do we rise or fall?" she corrected, her eyes glinting with a determined light. He smiled slightly. They suited so well. Neither was very good at taking orders.

"Together." he replied, snagging her hand to kiss then licking the blood from his lips. A twinge of heat rippled through her blood, surprising them both. His voice deepened slightly, fangs peaking past his lips. "Now that's something to think on later. My tongue licking blood off your..."

"Focus on the battle," she chided in a husky voice. He sighed, worried irritation flashing through.

"Ah, yes. My plans for a pleasure filled evening foiled once again by my brother's foolishness."

They each took a door handle and pulled the oaken doors open wide.

"Rome, no it's a trap!!" Romanus shouted as the red fog descended on them both.

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