Strategy Unfolds

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Machiavelli lounged nonchalantly in a chair as the mistress council went about their business. They'd all but forgotten he was there, so he used the time to assess. His eyes were cold and calculating as they surveyed the room. The council wasn't nearly as cohesive as Lucille was projecting it as. That much was clear with the first minute of observation. He could see murmuring among the older vampires and whispered discontent. He heard Romulus and Remus' name occasionally and from that understood that many were not comfortable attacking vampires of that caliber. Romulus and his brother still had allies on the council. How could he use that?

As Lucille held votes for approvals for turning and other mundane activities, impatience simmered in the eyes of some. Disgust in the eyes of others. Boredom in most.

That was another thing. It wasn't like vampires to micromanage. Throughout the centuries, vampire councils had only intervened when the actions of one of their own endangered the rest. That had been the rule. Turnings weren't supervised. A hierarchy was all but nonexistent. So what had them acting like this now? His eyes narrowed as he saw an old man in a cloak sit down in the back of the council hall. He was new. He made a mental note to find out who it was. He was a new player.

"You're still here? I thought you had headed home from the club." Romulus' voice startled him and he turned to glance over his shoulder. Romulus sat in the seat next to him.

"Uh, I did. Couldn't sleep so I thought I might as well have a look at what's going on here since the witches are still working on Leonardo. Why are you here? I thought you were still in the faery realm." He shifted in his seat to go back to observing the council.

Romulus ran a hand through his hair with a tired sigh. "We just came home. Antares and Lyra are resting... after the battle. I'm going to go ahead and put the petition to turn Lyra into a vampire under consideration. One less thing to worry about for now. We just need this to be done."

Niccolo straightened in his seat slowly. "You sound as if you're giving up."

"I can't afford to give up. But the sooner this is over with, the sooner Antares and Lyra can sleep peacefully. Which means I get to sleep as well."

Niccolo felt Lucille's gaze turn to them. "Have you done the paperwork yet?"
"Paperwork is a specialty of mine. It's been filed. I'm just waiting for it to be brought to the floor."
"You can't argue it. You realize that?" Niccolo said slowly. Romulus smiled a bit at the man's cautioning words.

"You act as if I don't know how this council operates. I just need to know and the easiest way is to see for myself."

"Don't you trust me?" Niccolo said with a laugh. Romulus lost some of the smile, his eyes chilling.

"I trust you as much as I trust anyone outside of my family. Fair enough?"

"Fair enough." Not surprised,  he shifted in his seat again and indicated behind him. "You and your brother still have respect here among many."

"Good. Then maybe the vote will go through."

"A petition by Romulus Tiber to turn one Lyra Rionagg Angelove. Angelove? Isn't that your sister, Rhiannon?" Lucille's voice rang out over the hall, silencing the low hum of conversation. There was a rustle as people shifted to look up at Rhiannon and her mate. Vincent slid his fingers through hers' and held her hand.

Niccolo approved. Smart move, considering how volatile Rhiannon still was.

Undaunted by the attention, Rhiannon's eyes flashed fire and she snapped. "You know very well that it is, Lucille."
"Didn't we have a ban on her? What are the rules about turning someone who is banned?" Her voice was bored on the surface but filled with sweet malice.

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