Symphonic Battles

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"You know he probably only went in like that because he thinks we were caught, don't you?" Lyra pointed out as Romulus' eyes went over the building for the best point of entry. He nodded, looking back at her.

"I'm aware. He's still an idiot. There is no easy way in, my love."

"There's always the front door. We could test out just how well we fight together. It would be good exercise."

He stifled a laugh at her casual bloodthirsty suggestion then stopped to consider. He was back to healing the way he needed to so any injury short of a blade through the heart was negligible. If any of these were talented enough to do that, he was more out of practice than he thought. She was the most dangerous woman in the city and was wearing the belt of Hippolyta. Give her a few blades combined with that speed and they stood a decent chance. The front door it was. He reached down and pulled the two six-inch long knives from the sheathes on his legs. He handed them to her and she slid them into the belt that still shone despite the blood dripping from it.

"Then let's do this."

"Rome... let's not tell Antares until we finish, ok? He'll worry."

"Good call."

They walked towards the large front door with weapons drawn. Disbelief began showing on the faces of the guards right before they were beheaded. Romulus swung the doors open wide with a strong push and they saw a hall packed with soldiers in black armor. Romulus smiled as Lyra joined him at his side with blades drawn.

"My mate here has a delivery to pick up. A head from one Mistress Lucille?" she called out as they all turned to the door. She looked up at Romulus with a mischievous grin. "Race you to the hall?"

"Deal. The loser gets tied up in the silk?"

She laughed as the soldiers in the hall began getting into battle formation. "I'm beginning to think you lost that challenge on purpose."

"I admit nothing."


Antares stood up in the window of the VIP, watching as Tav went over the defenses with Leonardo. He went back and forth between the different areas, correcting flaws and bolstering what needed more support. When the first wave of attack hit, the man was the first to the front at Leonardo's side, ensuring the defenses held. When the brunt of the attack was over, he went back to ensuring anyone who wanted to fight was armed. The severely wounded were taken away from the fighting. He circulated well among what amounted to an army that had formed from the staff and volunteers. He still seemed very familiar. It was beginning to drive him crazy.

"Your friend is very competent at this kind of thing. He's been to war before?" He commented idly to Erick.

"Yes." The careful answer had Antares sighing. That was another thing. Here lay divided loyalties. He turned to face Erick.

"You know where I know him from, don't you?"

Erick winced. "Do you want me to tell you? I swore that I would choose the three of you over anyone else."

Antares crossed his arms and leaned against the glass, eyes on the nervously shifting boy. "First, I ask two questions. Did you give him your word you wouldn't speak of it?"

Erick nodded. "Yes, I did, but.."

Antares interrupted. "Is the knowledge something that will hurt our family in any way?"

Erick shook his head. "No. It won't. I promise."

Antares nodded and turned back around. "Then there is no need for you to break your word."

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