Illusion and Truth

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Garnet's eyebrows shot up but she didn't move. There was a slight chin tilt that struck a cord briefly in Antares.

"You seem to think a lot of yourself." she commented as Lucille shot to her feet to back away. "I take it from her reaction, you have reason to. Fortunately, illusions don't work on me anymore than they do you. My father ensured that."

Antares smiled, managing to look both concerned and predatory. "Yes, let's talk about your father. I would look to Lucille first, but she and I both know what it is she needs from me. And I didn't bring her collar."

Garnet smiled back with genuine amusement as Lucille didn't even argue. "Don't worry. I still have her leash handy. Let's talk about my father. My father, the greatest general in any of the worlds that exists. My father, who can make the strongest bend to his will. My father..."

"Who gives you only missions and never his attention."

"My father is a great man! He loves me." With that statement, Antares' lips curved slightly but with true sympathy in his eyes. He had heard the uncertainty beneath the bravado and capitalized.

"If that's true, why is it that I see your deepest desire, your greatest need is to have a father's love and pride? A need that remains unfilled."

"No it doesn't!" She shouted lashing out with her magic. It struck him, leaving a sizzling mark across his chest. The smell of flesh and fabric seared the air as he stumbled back. He pushed the pain back and regained his feet. There was a flash of a shadow overhead that caught his attention for a moment before he focused on the sensitive nerve he had just discovered. In true Antares' fashion, he appealed to empathy.

"You are not the only one to have issues with a neglectful father. My own Rome had the same problem. His brother and he raised themselves until the She-Wolf found them as young children. He never had the opportunity to have a father. Why attack someone you have so much in common with? Your own father sent you on a mission then closed the door behind you."

The ground started rolling under their feet as Garnet's breathing increased and her fists clenched. Romanus looked over at the man holding Romulus and Lyra in thrall. He shifted to the side as pebbles from the ceiling fell.

"You need to release them. He will not let up. She could hurt you as well. He'll drive her insane."

"She will not kill me so the illusion is safe."

Romulus let out a growl and had Antares glancing at him lovingly. Even under the spell's cloak, the scent of his mate's blood reached Rome. His heart aching, Antares reached out again, sending his love to them both.

"Come home." he whispered "Come back to me."

The man in the robes laughed contemptuously when he saw the intense focus Antares had turned back to them.

"Your spells are useless here, incubus. This illusion, like all of my illusions are rooted in my very life force. As long as I live or until I choose, this illusion will remain intact."
With the suddenness of a lightning strike, a sword tip emerged on the other side of the man's chest and Erick materialized behind him, seemingly stepping from the shadows themselves.

"Good to know." he said with a feral smile then pulled the sword free with a sharp jerk. He then leaned back against the wall and slid down, breathing hard. Antares saw the blood seep from between the fingers of the boy. Erick smiled at his worried look and just shook his head.

"I'll live." he mouthed.

The magician stumbled forward towards Garnet, who ran forward to catch him before he fell. He whispered something to her before his eyes slid shut.

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