Troubled Waters

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Laughter echoed down the hall as Romulus approached the door to the VIP room, making him smile. It was good to hear her laughter be so carefree. He paused at the door and leaned there silently, just listening to the two women chat about all the things that sisters talk about. An update could wait. Family came first.

"I'm downstairs if you need me, Lyra," he said to her mentally. He felt her acknowledgment as he turned to go back downstairs without opening the door.

He made his way through the crowd, acknowledging regular patrons before seating himself at the bar. "Leonardo, wine when you get a minute," he called out. The other vampire lifted a hand in acknowledgment. Romulus glanced down the bar and saw Niccolo sitting on a stool, deep in thought. He got up and sat next to him. "How goes it?" he asked. Niccolo looked up sharply from his glass of whiskey then relaxed when he saw it was Romulus. "Jumpy?"
"It has been a while since I've been in this kind of game. Jumpy keeps me alive and out of chains," he answered. "It goes well enough. I was dismissed for the moment. To stay would have raised suspicion."

Romulus put a hand on his shoulder. "Taking them on like this is a dangerous game. I do appreciate this even knowing you do it for Leonardo instead of me."

Niccolo nodded. "I know."
Romulus moved his hand and sat back as Leonardo came over with a glass of red wine. "Thank you, Leonardo. I have a question for the two of you. Do you two think I'd be a good father?"

The other two men exchanged a look. "Father? How are you and Antares going to manage that?" Leonardo questioned. Niccolo smiled.

"You are talking about with Lyra." he deduced. "I swear, Leo. You're a genius when it comes to the arts and sciences but people still elude you."

Romulus grinned when Leonardo just shrugged. "Yes, with Lyra when the time is right. After this is over, we will have the opportunity to build a family."

"Yes, I think you would make a wonderful father. You and Antares both." Leonardo answered the original question. "Just as she would make a good mother."

"Are you sure now is the right time to plan for the future?" Niccolo asked carefully. A gleam entered into Romulus' eyes as he took a drink.
"You're damn right I do," he replied. "I intend to win this. On that note, could you show me what you've done to upgrade our defenses here, Leonardo?"

"Of course. Just let me close the office..."
"I'll watch it. I've nothing better to do at the moment." Machiavelli interrupted with a glance at Romulus. Leonardo hesitated then nodded.

"I've been keeping the plans for the defenses back there so keep a close eye on it. It would be like them to have spies and thieves."

"As if anyone could read your plans written in code then written backward. Besides, we have spies too, Leonardo," Romulus said with a laugh as Niccolo grinned, before tossing his whiskey back. "I'll see you later, Niccolo."

"Alright. Hey, Romulus?" he called as Romulus started to walk away. The man turned. "I think the three of you would make amazing parents. You already are." He glanced around the bar. "I hope you have the opportunity to see that for yourselves."

Romulus and Leonardo walked through the crowd. "I thought we could start out front with the shielding, should they launch a frontal assault. It will keep out any heavy artillery as well as deflect any innocent bystanders from being drawn in as bait or cannon fodder."

"How did you manage that?" Romulus asked, impressed. Leonardo smiled a bit sadly.

"It was something Rose helped me with. That and the inside crossbows should have anyone with wings or levitation being buried under what I'm calling a shower of roses. Bolts scented with holy water."

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