When We Practice to Deceive

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There was an audible gasp from Rhiannon and Vincent squeezed her hand warningly.

"You should go see your sister, my love," he said with their private link. She nodded and started to rush out. "Slowly. Don't draw attention." he cautioned.

"Didn't Romulus turn you? Why would you turn on your blood father?" Lucille asked coolly, her excitement only showing in the fingers she drummed on the arm of her seat.

"My loyalty lies with one man. That is the master of the arts himself, Leonardo. Besides, he thinks I'm here helping him. So which would you like first? What he wants me to say or what is actually happening?"

"How about some verification that this man isn't just lying to us for his own ends?" Vincent spoke harshly drawing attention to himself as Rhiannon slipped out the side door.

"Strangely enough, the male does have a point." Lucille allowed with a sigh. "Well?"

"I'll give you a freebie that you can check out while I wait that you wouldn't have known about otherwise. The incubus goes now to his king and queen for a private audience. The story is that they go there merely to ask permission of those two to turn their newest family member into a faery when in truth they are going to form an alliance with the new royal couple to aid in his brother's war against you and your council."

"Why would the twins of Rome require aid from anyone when in the past they've decimated armies with nothing but their own resources?" Vincent tossed out, dread building in his gut. What had he gotten them into?

Niccolo glanced at him with a bored expression. "I said one freebie. Any further information comes at a price. And I do know the answer to that, by the way." he added, looking at Lucille. The mistress vampire glanced at one of the men who scurried out of the door.

"We'll see if you speak the truth. What is your price if he confirms your findings?"

"I want Leonardo to be spared any repercussions from aiding them and for he and I to be exceptions to your mistress rule. Neither of us has any interest in rising in the ranks or concerns of being anchored. I'll want that in writing with a faery seal to ensure its enforcement."

Lucille lifted an amused eyebrow. "Is that all? Simply safe passage for your lover?"

Niccolo shrugged. "He isn't my lover yet. I'm a simple man with simple wants and needs."

"It is a shame loyalty isn't one of those things," Vincent muttered under his breath, but clearly enough to be heard on the floor.

"Do we have a deal?" Niccolo asked, his eyes twinkling for a moment when he heard Vincent. She motioned to one of the vampires.

"Draw up the contract. In return for giving us truthful information on Romulus and family in their fight against us, Niccolo Machiavelli and Leonardo are to be given amnesty and forgiveness for all actions incurred against us. No punishment will be given for those misdeeds." she dictated then look at Niccolo. "Sufficient?"
"As soon as it has the faery seal on it," he replied. "Not that I don't trust you to keep your word, but I don't."

Lucille smiled. "An understandable sentiment from a turncoat."

"Isn't it just?" he returned with a sharp smile of his own.


The three of them stood in their bedroom. After this, things would move in a more sinister fashion. Every move would count and could lead to tragedy. The silence was thick and heavy with fear and that knowledge.

Antares gripped their hands then lifted them to his lips. "If I'm going to go, I need to go now," he said gently. Both of them had a death grip on him and soothing their fear never failed to ease his own. "As do the two of you. The Sin Ruis are expecting you."

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