The Scent

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Niccolo picked up the sketchpad lying next to the bed and smiled. It was covered in small drawings and sketches in various stages of progress. Sketches his beloved could sell for millions if he chose, but never would. He glanced at where Leonardo lay sleeping. The scars from his recent battles were healing but were still there as an all too stark reminder of what had almost been. Emptiness.

"You risked too much, Leonardo," he said softly then looked back at the pad in his hands as he turned the page with the careful movements of a man viewing a treasure. He stopped, his heart jumping into his throat. It wasn't a sketch of an invention or some random scene. It was a memory pulled straight from reality.

He recognized himself through a shield of light. With his unmatched skill, Leonardo had managed to capture the desperation Machiavelli had felt almost perfectly. Echoes of that day flashed through Niccolo's mind and he sat down in the chair next to the bed. In the drawing, his hands were reaching out towards the viewer. Eyes pleading and frantic.

He glanced at Leonardo again and this time found the other man's eyes open and watching him react to the drawing. "It is good to see you awake, Leonardo," he said evenly, his heart racing. Aching to pull him into his arms and just hold on. Leonardo's eyes stayed serious but didn't quite meet Niccolo's.

"It is good to see you didn't do anything foolish, Niccolo." he returned, pushing himself up with shaky arms. Niccolo abandoned the pad to help ease Leonardo up on to the pillows.

"Oh, I was going to. Luckily, our mutual blood father was there to stop me. That time. There will be another."

"I'm sorry, Nicco." Leonardo gripped Niccolo's hand tightly when he started to pull away. "I am sorry you went through that. If you had known beforehand..."

"I would have stopped you or joined you." Niccolo finished. "I've had time to think about it and understand perfectly well why I was excluded."

"I was scolded by Antares if it makes you feel any better. Well. As close to scolding as that man ever gets." Leonardo hadn't yet met his gaze and Niccolo's stomach grew uneasy again.

"Leonardo, look at me," he asked softly. Leonardo met his gaze and that's when Niccolo saw it. The knowledge shone in his eyes brightly. "You know, don't you?"

Leonardo didn't pretend to misunderstand what he referred to. "I didn't until I was sketching it out. And I am so terribly sorry I did that in front of you. You've lost so much already. So much that you loved. I am so very sorry that I caused you to feel that pain again."

Niccolo stiffened at the softness in Leonardo's eyes. Pity was the last thing he wanted from Leonardo. What else could a man like Leonardo feel for a man like him? For a friend? "After a while, you get used to it. I'm fine. How are you?"

"I am recovering," Leonardo reassured.

His phone beeped once, indicating the summons from Lucille.

"Then I'll leave you to it." Niccolo winced at the stiffness of his own voice. Leonardo just nodded with a smile tugging at his lips.

"Alright. Ciao, Niccolo." The door closed behind him. "Be safe, my love," Leonardo murmured softly.

The bitter taste of the pity reflected in Leonardo's eyes wasn't even touched by the shot he tossed back on his way out the door. He wanted love. Not pity. Niccolo tried to shake off the emotion as he entered the council hall. This was an unusual summons and it didn't feel right. He couldn't afford to let his heart cloud his mind right now. He walked into the main room and paused. Only Garnet and Lucille were present with a table set for lunch. The uneasiness intensified.

"Ladies." he acknowledged politely. "What can I do for you?"

Lucille gestured to one of the seats close to her as Garnet paced with measured fury. "Have a seat, Machiavelli. We have a few questions for you."

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