Cold Ashes?

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**This is a trigger warning. There is suicidal behavior ahead in this chapter. It is not something I'm promoting but a necessary part of the storyline. If you have thoughts like that, please. Talk to someone. No one is ever truly alone.


Antares woke up and lay there for a moment in the silence of the room. The amulet on his chest grew warm and he glanced down to see a blue glow fading. Frowning, he picked it up to examine it, but it was just a pretty stone flashing in the light. Dismissing it, he sighed and dropped the necklace. There was a sickening feeling in his gut and that was never a good thing. That feeling had brought him home early that fateful dawn centuries past. It had saved Romulus' life.

He reached a hand out to wake Romulus, only to encounter cold sheets. Propping up on one elbow, he was greeted with an untouched pillow. He growled briefly. This had to end. Rome needed his sleep. Antares stood and pulled on sweatpants. Then went to Rome's office, intending on dragging him to bed.

It was empty and the sick feeling grew as he saw Rome's phone laying on the desk. Again shoving it back, he went downstairs after pulling on a shirt. The club was busy as it usually was, day or night. Seeing the hostess dealing with patrons, he caught her eye. She excused herself with a nod and went over to an empty corner. She smiled as he walked over, brushing past those trying to get his attention.

"What can I do for you?" she inquired.

"Rose, have you seen Romulus today?" he asked. She nodded with a concerned frown. He knew he looked rough, but he must be really bad to warrant that look.

"Earlier today. He said he was going to go check on Lyra, a few hours ago. He isn't back yet?"

The sickness intensified and was traveling up to his heart. Without answering, Antares went out the door and down the street. He broke into a jog, something inside him urging him to hurry. Faster. Faster.

Everything was fine, he assured himself, hand toying with the necklace around his neck. Everything was..

"Antares, my love..." Romulus' hoarse voice whispered in his mind brokenly. The connection kept slipping as if Romulus was slowly getting weaker. "Where are you? I can't find you.."

Antares panicked and began to run. He shoved people out of the way and ran faster. He reached her apartment and flew up the side stairs. His breath was ragged now, lungs burning. He was reaching for the door handle when he smelled something that sent grief arrowing through his heart.

Blood and death.

Denial struck him hard as he pushed open the unlocked door. Following his nose, he went to where the smell came from. Through her living room, that still smelled faintly of polish and cleaning. Through the bedroom that spoke more of the same. A notebook lay on the bed and he started to pick it up. He heard a low moan and dropped it onto the bed. He pushed open the bathroom door and a nightmare greeted his eyes.

An anguished sound came from him as he hit the floor, his strong legs giving out. She was in the small bathtub, blood turning the water around her a light red that darkened by the second. How could she still be so beautiful like that? If wasn't for the blood, he'd think her asleep in her bath. He willed her to open her eyes, for her chest to move, but there was nothing. Beside her on the floor was Rome with his hand next to her slightly parted lips. Blood trailed down his muscular arm and down her bare shoulder. The man's eyes were closed and his breathing shallow.

Antares slid across the floor and next to Rome; disbelief and shock coursing through him. Blood and water soaked his pants unnoticed as he reached for his mate.

"No. No, Rome. You can't do this. You swore you wouldn't. You promised me!" Antares said desperation raking its claws over his heart. Opening his eyes with an obvious effort, Rome lifted a weak hand to Antares' face, smearing it with blood. His skin was paler than it should've been and his touch was cold. Antares held the hand to his face, unable to speak. He was too far gone. He hadn't been feeding and was already weakened before this. Pressure began building and his breathing became difficult.

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