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Serilda stepped into the packed nightclub, nodding to the doorman eyeing her warily. Music and the scent of wine filled the air and she smiled. Romulus always had been one to enjoy a party and it didn't surprise her that he had managed to make a living in this world with it.

There was a satyr onstage that had the crowded club moving wildly. Laughter rang through building. Looking around, she noted the signs of a battle. Impact holes in the walls, the black streaks from aggressive magic missing its target. Yet, the mood was anything but wary. She sighed, seeing the deep roots here. He had built more than a business. He had built a home. Lethe had warned her. Letting go of the dream of her family under one roof again, she walked over to the bar.

Before she had sat down, a glass was in front of her and a machine filled it. Smiling at the colorful display, she picked up the drink. It was a deep red wine with an intoxicating scent. She set it back down. She preferred a clear head at the moment.

"Sorry about the wait. Did you want something other than the wine?" An attractive well built man smiled at her with distracted eyes. Light scars could be seen under the flashing lights. So his people had fought for him. Loyalty ran deep here.

"Leonardo, I told you that you needed to rest. You still haven't gotten your full strength back." A young man scolded Leonardo. "We have others that can do this well enough. You trained them."

"Pouring a few drinks isn't going to hurt me, Erick. If Nicco is well enough to go back to his diversions then I am well enough to tend bar." the man snapped then smiled brilliantly at Serilda. "Now. What would you like?"

She swallowed her smile at the younger man's exasperation and tapped the glass. "This will do. I'm here to see someone. Where is Romulus Tiber?"

"Who's asking?" the tone of Erick's voice cooled considerably. Another guardian at the gates, she thought amused.

"The woman who raised him." she assured as the smile broke free. "I'm just here to see how my boy is faring."

"Your name?"

"Not a trusting one, are you?" she laughed. "Serilda, daughter of Slater and child of Prisma as well as general of her armies in times long past. If we're being formal."

"He has told us stories of you." the bartender leaned against the bar, studying her. "Somehow you seem a lot scarier looking in them. He has you slaying enemies by the hundreds, walking from dragon fire unscathed, and striking fear into the hearts of the corrupt."

The laughter erupted from her delightedly. "A boy's exaggeration. The dragon fire did singe me a bit. As for scary, most of that has to do with my armor. Made from that dragon's hide actually. As well as the armor I gave him."

The one called Erick relaxed. "If you want Rome, he is upstairs with his mates. I was giving them a night off."

"And you are?" she inquired with a lifted eye brow.

"Their adopted son." Leonardo replied. Serilda stood and held out her hand. Erick took it and was pulled into a brief hug. She stepped back and slapped a friendly hand on his shoulder.

"Then you're family. Walk me up."

"So that's where he gets that from." Erick said. "Right this way."

She followed him through the crowd, her gaze automatically scanning the crowd as her instincts tingled. Erick paused at the steps, noticing her distraction.

"Is something wrong?"

Her eyes went over a table in the corner and her eyes narrowed slightly. "Who is that?" she asked. Erick followed her gaze and stiffened momentarily.

"I thought he had moved on. That is Sargon. He unofficially adopted Romulus. The woman by his side is his officially adopted daughter, Garnet. They are... well he is an ally." She inclined her head and the man returned it with a lift of his glass.

"Is he now?" Serilda murmured as she followed Erick up the stairs. It wasn't often there was an equal in her presence. The noise of the club became muted as Erick led her into the office loft. She smiled as she saw the sword hanging by the door. She remembered when that blade was forged. The one hanging next to it glimmered in the light as she touched the hilt.

"One of his mates' is a warrior too?" she inquired. Erick smiled, affection bright in his eyes.

"Sort of." He went down the hall and knocked on a door. There was muffled cursing and laughter before Serilda saw a woman wrapped in nothing but her wings answered the door. "Sorry to interrupt but Rome has a visitor I thought he'd want to see."
"Rome's a little tied up at the moment." she said with a laugh. "Who is the visitor?"

"Someone you might want to get dressed for." Erick began as Antares slid his arms around her from behind.

"Don't bother on my account." Serilda said with a smile.

"I know that voice. Antares, Lyra one of you let me out of this. That's my mother." Romulus' voice came from deeper within the room and Serilda let out a bark of laughter when she caught the double meaning of the other woman's words.

Lyra gasped and was suddenly back under the covers. Antares smiled at Serilda without any such modesty.

"Give us a moment and we'll join you. Erick, see that she gets something to drink." he closed the door.

"One thing I can't do is fault the man's taste in lovers." Serilda said with a sigh. Something she hadn't engaged in for far too long a time. "Water will be fine." she said as Erick went over to the bar. Within minutes of getting her drink, the bedroom door opened and Romulus came striding out. Laughing, she stood and returned the hard hug he gave her with one of her own. "I've missed my boys." she murmured before pulling back. "Trust you to snag two of the finest examples of beauty this world has as your mates, you greedy pup. Introduce me."

"Gladly. Lyra, Antares this is my mother..."

"Adoptive mother. Your biological mother was not worthy of you." Serilda said with a sharp smile.

"The she-wolf. I've heard many stories." Antares said clad in silk pajama bottoms.

"I've heard a few but eager to hear more. Sorry about the whole naked thing." Lyra said with a sheepish smile.

"Don't be. It was a pleasant sight. Now, what's this I hear about your brother taking over a city on his own without your help?"

Romulus dropped onto the couch with a sigh. Lyra snuggled up next to him. Antares took the wine glasses that Erick had already poured.

"Go ahead and go back downstairs." he said with a smile. "There is no trouble here." Erick nodded and left, the sounds of the club briefly filling the air. He sat down next to Romulus, handing them each a glass.

"He thinks he is doing it without my help. I have a spy embedded in their council and I'm working with one of my people to increase his security measures both in his business and home. I've already dealt them a blow as well."

"He seems to think you are weakened?" Serilda's eyes went over him. "You look a bit underfed but otherwise fine."

"Until recently he was helping me with a curse that weakened him considerably. We've remedied that." Antares replied.

"And we're working on feeding him up." Lyra said with a grin.

"Well, we can talk battle strategy and the like later when we correct your brother's mistaken idea." she relaxed back in the chair. "Tell me what my boy has been up to. Don't spare the details. You know how I enjoy a story."

Author's Note

Ok so this story continues from Romanus' point of view in my story Bloody Desire. There is some crossover and familiar scenes but have no fear, it is truly their story. You guys didn't think I would let the council get away with their actions did you?

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