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| K I M M I N S E O K | 3 4 |  

He recalled the first time he saw her in a wedding dress

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He recalled the first time he saw her in a wedding dress. So beautiful. Yet so uncomfortable. So scared. So afraid. A forced smile. A forced marriage. The man didn't want to say anything more to upset her any further. Walking towards the set, he almost slipped but managed to balance himself. He couldn't fall there. His back was going to shatter in a million pieces if he had.

A small giggle he heard before him.

To look up and see her smile like that was enough to brighten the gloomy day they were both having despite the fact how glamorous everything seemed.

All of a sudden, she was gone. He was standing in the heavy snow falling and hurting his face.

What? Jayoung-ah?

Then he was yanked back and fell on his knee. His left side hurt like hell. To his right, he could see her standing there staring at him with her hands held out, but she wasn't close enough. She didn't approach him. She just stood there, waiting.


The bright light hurt his tired eyes. He was back in the lodge lying in the futon, sweating. Looking to his right where Jayoung should be, he only saw an empty space. Her futon was gone.

"Wha- Jayoung-ah?"

Even with his groggily head spinning like crazy, he pushed himself up from the floor, rushing to the door, sliding it open in a swift movement.

"Oppa- oh!" upon seeing his unexpected presence right at the entrance, Jayoung managed to trip on the flat surface face-first into his chest, knocking him over.

The heavy landing on the wooden floor wasn't enough. He just had to take her body's weight landing on his body, too.

Come on, you can save face.

Minseok tried so hard not to think about his now damaged back, ecstatic that she was here.

"Omo! Oppa, I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" Jayoung quickly rolled to the side from his body and sat up, hands trying to hold his neck and arm wanting to pull him up.

"... let me lie down for a bit..."

"Oh, no! Did I break something in there?" she lifted his head and let him rest on her lap as she awkwardly patted his shoulder. "I heard you called and I came as fast as I could. You kind of startled me."

You think? The man simply stared at her with a raised brow, showing her that he was extremely unimpressed.

Her worried look suddenly burst into a laugh. "oh, sorry. I'm so sorry."

"My god. You're not sorry. Shut it."

How dare she make me fall over at this age and laugh at me like this?

oh, baby girl | minseok ✔Where stories live. Discover now