18. By Your Side 1/3

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"16 year old female, shortness of breath, had a syncopal episode, pulse is rapid and irregular,"

The paramedics said as they rush the y/s/c colored girl into the emergency room.

"What did she receive in the field?" A brunette doctor asks while walking into the room.

"Hey! This is my patient until I sign her over to you," Another doctor said.

"I know her, she's on top of the donor list for a new heart, making her surgical. Somebody page Dr. Coleman, so you better start signing now," They all moved hastily around the unconscious girl, an oxygen mask on her face.

"What did she get in the field?" The doctor asks again.

"We gave her 40 of furosemide, rhythm didn't change after 6 of adenosine," The paramedical says.

"King, what do we got?" An African-American man walks into the trauma room.

"It's y/n," She says. Her face becoming blanch by the second.

"y/n?" Dr. Coleman puts his stethoscope to her chest.

"Heart transplant candidate, acute dysrhythmia and C.H.F. Vitals are all over the place,"

"Her heart rhythm is a mess. She's in heart failure, but she's holding on, she's holding on," The doctor examines her once more, and gets her to C.I.C.U.

"We'll wait and see if her heart stabilizes,"

"W-hat happened to her?" a young aged woman asks.

"Your sister had a shortness of breath and had another syncopal episode. We brought her up to the C.I.C.U. to see if her heart stabilizes. We have no news about that right now, but I will send Dr. King here to tell you if anything changes,"

"Can I go se-"

*pager goes off*
"It's y/n we have to go," Dr. King says in a rush.

"What? What happened?"

"I'm sorry Sara, but we have to get to her now, we will update you as soon as possible," Both doctors quickly rush to the elevator.

"We gotta get her heart rate under control, push 300 of amiodarone," An intern in the room ordered the nurse.

"What's the status Taylor?"

"She's in atrial fibrillation. Her hearts beating too fast,"

"If we can't get it to slow down-," Dr. King says, the room filled with silence for a moment, and all you could hear was the irregular beating of the heart monitor.

"The heart will give out," Dr. Taylor says, finishing the sentence for her.

The surgeons tried a synchronized cardioversion.

"Push 5 of morphine," The African-American doctor commands.

"D-Dr. Taylor?" The y/s/c girl slowly opens her eyes, her breathing heavy.

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