20. By Your Side 3/3

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I paced back and forth in the waiting room, eager to know what's happening to y/n. I mean an LVAD surgery is barely a surgery right? It's going to help her heart, she'll be hooked up to machines all the time, but it will help her heart.

It's been five hours. Does it take this long? I just need to see her, I need to see her smile, I need to know that she will make it through this. Y/n is strong Finn, you know it. She's emotionally stronger than you. You won't lose her.

I paced faster than I already was, then I felt somebody tap on my shoulder. I turned
around to see Dr. Coleman.

"Oh my God, is she okay? Is the surgery done?" I quickly asked, Sara rushed over to us. Dr. Coleman looked confident, maybe she is okay, maybe everything went great.

"She did very well during surgery, we were able to put im her LVAD, we stumblrd upon a few complications, but she made it through. She's being brought into the C.I.C.U. now, you're more than welcome to see her," The doctor smiled and nodded.

My chest finally felt relieved, and I hugged Dr. Coleman, "Thank you." A small tear ran down my face.


"Finn?" Y/n weak voice says. I quickly rush to her embracing her.

"Oh my god, Y/n, I am so glad that you're okay." Tears start to flow down my face. "I couldn't lose you." She hugs me back.

She pulls away from the hug, and places her hand on my face. "Finn, I love you so much. I love you so so much. Please never forget that. And when I'm gone, I need you to have the strength to find someone again. Please do that for me."

I hold her hand that's still on my face. "Y/n, you and I will grow old together. Okay baby?" A tear runs down her face, in her eyes you can see that she lost hope of being able to live for that long. "I need you to fight okay?" I remove her hand from my face and hold it. I lean in for a kiss.

"I love you," I whisper. Our foreheads rest on each other's. "Hey, why don't you grab me some food from the cafeteria?" She smiles and gives a soft laugh. "Of course," I tell her, kissing her forehead.

I rush to the cafeteria and stand in the line filled with doctors. I see Dr. Coleman.

"Hello, Finn. Is Y/n awake?" He asks.

"Yes, she is. Thank you," I say and he smiles. He continues to stand in line when his pager goes off. He checks it and looks at me, his eyes widened. "What?" I ask. He doesn't answer but rushes out the cafeteria, and I follow after him.

He runs towards Y/n's room. "Dr. Coleman! What happened!?! Is she okay?" We reach her room and two nurses were there and Dr. Taylor. "What happened?!?!"

"I'm so sorry Finn, but you can't be in here right now," They kick me out of the room and close it. The window blinds however, are open. Tears run down my face.

"CLEAR!" Dr. Coleman shouts from the room. "Charge 300. CLEAR!" The heart monitor was flattening.

"Finn! What happened?" Sara asks, rushing towards me.

"I-I don't know. One minute she was fine, and the next this-this is happening."

"Oh my god Y/n please fight," she says.

"NO! CHARGE AGAIN!" Dr. Taylor shouts. "I said CHARGE AGAIN! Come on! She can do this. She's fighting," With nobody listening to her, she began CPR.

No, no, no, no, no. I run to the door, opening it. "What happened? Wh-" I look at the heart monitor. Flatline. No, no, no, NO. She isn't- I start to sob in front of the doctors, and fall to the floor.

"What hap-pened?" I ask, my voice breaking.
Dr. Coleman sighs, "She threw a clot, and we couldn't get to it in time. I'm sorry Finn but she's-"

"NO! NO! NO!" I cry. Sara holds me back and she's crying too. "No, no-no," She can't be.

"SHE'S NOT DEAD!" I shout and continue to sob. "She's-she's not-she can't be."

a/n: AH I FINALLY FINISHED THIS!! AND TYSM FOR 9K READS!!! YOU GUYS ARE CRAZY! This is also very messy and short. Sorry :(

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