Chapter 9

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I stand in front of the closed doors to the wedding hall. My father by my side intertwined our arms together, my father ready to walk me through the aisle up to my husband to be. Usually, people are happy when they're getting married but here I am dreading this whole wedding and everything with it. "Don't ever come back here, do you understand? Or I will be sure to kill you myself, and don't bother running away from them, they will find you no matter what" my father said. how this man can be my father, I don't know. but I know that I can never hate anyone more than him! For the first time in my life, I talked back. "like I would ever come back here willingly" SLAP! He slapped me in the face, I felt my eyes stinging but kept cool.

I have always known that I would have to marry someone my father chooses so we can form alliances but I never thought I would be marrying our worst enemy and a monster, deep down I've always imagined finding my own true love, not a royal, no I don't want anything like that, I want a man with heart, compassion, and empathy. Is that too much to ask for? have I not suffered enough all these 18 years?
The doors open, I guess that is answer enough.

my father walked me through the aisle, I could feel the cuts on my thighs chafing together, it hurt like hell and I could feel blood dripping but I just kept walking. Up at the altar, the monster of my nightmares stood waiting, I was looking at the ground all way through. The Priest talked for a few minutes and we made our vows. I still haven't looked at my now husband. "You may now kiss the bride", the priest said. I stood still, I could hear my heart racing, the wedding hall gone quiet as night.

Suddenly I could see him moving toward me, he placed his hands on my face and kissed me so fast and chaste that I wasn't even sure he actually kissed me. Finally, I registered what was standing in in front of me.

I looked in his eyes, his beautiful eyes, they drifted down to my cheek that is probably red from my encounter with my father. I have never seen such a color before. Bright blue, it looked like there was light dancing inside of them. A sharp jaw and a just as sharp nose, lush lips, and his hair such a dark black I have never seen. He was beautiful, but his expression is what got me scared. And his eyes may be the prettiest I have seen, they were also the deadliest. It reminded me of a predator ready to attack his prey. Then I started looking at all places just not his eyes. I looked at his massive body, pure muscle, then I realized how tall he actually is and that my neck was almost hurting for having looked at his face so long.

he turned and walked down the altar and leave. I just stood there not knowing what to do. "are you planning to stay there all day? let's go, wife" the way he said wife reminded me of my sisters when they call me sister, with so much disgust. I gulped and followed him. I caught a glimpse of my so-called family and saw them all wearing the same satisfied smirk.

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