Chapter 14

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We arrived at the kingdom of polemperie yesterday, I've been in bed since. The soldiers Dominic had ordered to get a carriage and a healer arrived 10 hours after. The healer tended to me with care, but it still hurt like hell so Dominic had to hold me down. No one has said anything to me or tried anything. So I guess I am safe for now? Maybe They do have some humanity left since they haven't done anything to me yet. maybe they're waiting for me to heal so they can break me. That was how my father's strategy worked.

"good morning, your majesty. I can see you haven't eaten your breakfast, do you want something else to eat?" the maid asks. She has been checking in on me every hour, doesn't she know that I am the daughter of their enemy? But I like her, she has a look on her face that I can't quite put my finger on but she doesn't give me a bad feeling.

I haven't really talked to her, not even answered her questions. Every time she comes in I just turn around and ignored her. I kinda feel bad now. But I just didn't feel like seeing anybody or talking. I need to stop this, If I'm going to get murdered or tortured when I heal I might as well enjoy the food while I can. So this time I don't turn around. I get up on my wobbly legs and sit by the table and begin eating. The maid nods and smiles and walls out of the room.

Oh my god! O haven't eaten food this good since I snuck inside the kitchen at Christmas and ate from the leftovers when I was 15 years old. I started almost swallowing the food because it was that good, plus I haven't eaten since the day before my wedding. When I finish I lean back on the chair and look around. Wow, all this time I was drowning myself in self-pity, not even seeing my surroundings. This bedroom was huge!

There hung beautiful gold chandeliers, the theme of the room was a beautiful blue and purple colors. Almost everything had gold detailing on it.

Knock knock. I turn to look at the door. "Come in?" I say, or more asked. The door opens and there stood Dominic, my husband, he filled the whole doorframe with his big body. He looked like he had just come out of the bath with this hair still dripping with water.

He walks in and sits on the chair in front of me. " I see you liked the food," he says and looks down on the plate in front of me. It almost looked like I had licked it clean... Which I had. I could feel myself blushing. His lips twitched but he didn't smile. "yes, thank you very much for your kindness, your majesty," I said while looking at my hands in my lap. "i am your husband now, you can call me Dominic" he said. I nodded.

"How are you feeling? Does your body still hurt?" He asked. I looked up surprised at his worry. "Yes, but it is a lot better than yesterday, thank you"  he leans forward, clasps his hands together and places his forearms on the table. "I am glad to hear. So, Adelaide, what happened? You wouldn't be able to whip your own back, so who did?" I gulped. I couldn't avoid this conversation.

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