Chapter 63

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Its been three weeks since Dominic left, we haven't received any words. The whole kingdom has been swallowed in sadness. Mothers crying for their sons, women crying for their husbands, children crying for their fathers. Oh god, please keep them all safe! I pray for the thousand times today as i do every day.

The castle has been so quiet, the people outside have worked without a smile on their faces like they usually do. I lean my forehead on the window. Standing by the window every day waiting won't bring them back faster. It won't bring them home safe. It won't help the people feel hopeful. I am the queen. I have to do something for the people as they have always done for me! I have to. I stand back from the window.

I run out of the room. outside my room, the guards that are always there sheath their words. "No, no! Nothing happened" they relax again. "Go tell everybody there will be held a festival," i say happily. They look confused. "Now!" I command. They both smile, straighten their backs and bow down. "Yes, my queen," they say in unison.

I run toward the Alexandra room. "Alexandra! Wake up. wake up" she sits up instantly. "Are they back?" She asks and my heart breaks. I shake my head. I need to look happy to make others happy too. "We are making a festival!" I say enthusiastically. " a festival?" She asks confused. "Yes! We can't stay like this and drown in our own sorrow! We have to be there for each other. All of us" Alexandra gets up from her bed. "Okay! Let's do it"

We spent the whole morning and afternoon preparing everything. Everyone helped and before the festival even stared the kingdom already looked happier. The kitchen staff prepared amazing food, all the shops were open, the lights were hanging everywhere. Musicians played all kinds of music and people dances and laughed. Children were playing. Everything is perfect. It will be when they all come home safe.

The festival was filled with laughter and happiness. I Was happy to see people breathe again, I could see they were getting hopeful. I hope it doesn't all go in vain. An old woman came up to me. "my queen" she bowed her head. I smile and nod my head at her. "thank you for raising our people's hope. We could never ask for a better queen. You are our strength. And I hope we are yours" I feel tears slipping through my eye. "thank you" I attack her with a big hug. We both cry. "i just want my son to come back" the woman cries in my shoulder.

When the sun goes down we all grab the light lanterns. We all made our prayers and lit them up. "To show our love, to show our gratitude to the brave, to hope. to our warriors" We all let go of our lanterns and they fly up to the never-ending sky. I hope you are safe Dominic.

"Adelaide! Adelaide! Wake up!!! They are back! They are back!!" I wake up to Alexandra jumping and smiling. I get up instantly. "Where??" I look around. She laughs at me. "Look out of the window! They are here soon!" I look out and i see our big army with the flags of Soleria meaning they won! We won the war!! I hug Alexandra and we jump in happiness. I can't believe it!! My prayers didnt go unanswered! Thank god!!

"Let's go outside and wait!" We both run down to the gate and wait for them. I can't keep from smiling. Everyone gets out of their houses and waits. Everyone is happy, some looking scared to see who will make it back and who won't. "There is Max!!! Max is there!" Alexandra jumps up and down. She hugs me "they are safe Adelaide" i look around but can't see Dominic. My heart begins to race. Take it easy Adelaide they won, he is back.

Max rides toward us and Alexandra is about to hug him, when he kneels on the ground in front of me. All the warriors behind him kneel too, with their right hand on their hearts. No. No, this is not happening. "I am so sorry Adelaide" Max whispers. "You are lying"I whisper. But he just shakes his head and i see tears running down his face. I fall down on my knees. "NOOO! NOO! NO!!" I keep screaming and Max and Adelaide both hugs me and try to make me stop but i cant. My husband! My Dominic!! No!!!

"ow!" suddenly i feel pain in my belly. Oh God! Not now! "Adelaide! Your water broke. you're going to have your baby! Max lift her" max lift me up. "no!! I can't, I don't want to!! Dominic!!" I keep screaming and crying. "Dominic!" "shh you're going to be okay" max tries to calm me. "i want my husband! I want Dominic! Please"

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See you in the next chapter

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