Chapter 41

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"Hmnh" Dominic had me in the deepest, most passionate kiss I have ever got. God, it felt good. His hands were touching me everywhere, I couldn't even register where. It burned everywhere he touched. I felt like was in heaven, not that I had been there but it would probably feel like this. At his touch, my back arched off the bed and my heels dug into the mattress, i just felt like i need to get closer to him even though we were almost plastered together. Both naked. Yet he didn't do anything but kiss and caresses me.

"Dom..." he kissed me fully so I couldn't get a word out. Oh god, he needs to hurry up before i die. "Plea... Domi... hurry" before i could even register what happened i was rolled to my stomach, my hips yanked up roughly and he pounded inside, filling me. Oh my god!! Oh my god!

"Y-yees" i moaned while holding on to the sheets for dear life. He pounded inside of me, god I want more. "You okay baby? Tell me if it's too much" he says while pounding inside of me as if he couldn't feel me on the edge of my release. "Shut up and fuck me!" I beg.

His hands spanned my hips, his fingers digging in, he stopped his motion and slammed in himself, staying deep and grinding. Ho, my gooood! "Ahhh" he leans down his face to mine. "I fucking love it when you talk dirty to me with that filthy mouth" he grinds deeper and i feel like i am about to explode. He sticks his finger inside my mouth and i suck it."good girl" I feel so filthy but i can't help it! This feels so good, everything just feels so good.

He kept pounding inside of me and just when i was about to reach my release he pulled out. "Dominic!" I whined. "I wanna see your beautiful face when you climax" he turns me around on my back and dives inside of me again. My hands grab on to his head, my fingers sliding into his black wet hair. My heels digging into his back. My neck arched and my lips parted, and i came. He dove into me a few times more and he groaned "fuck yeah!" He dropped his body on top of mine but held his weight from crushing me with his arms. He put his head in my neck and we both stayed like that trying to catch our breath.

I caressed his sweaty back, then he pulled out of me and I felt empty. I could feel something warm and wet flooding out of out of me, I panicked! Oh lord! What if I got my period like last time! I hurriedly push Dominic off from me. "babe what's wrong?" he lifts his upper body with his arm and looks at me.

I look down between my legs. There was nothing, thank God. He touches my arm "baby? What is it?" I look at him and blush. He lays down on his back and laughs. I hit him on his chest. "You're always laughing at me!" I glare at him and cover my self with blanket suddenly conscious with being naked. He rips the blanket away, grabs my arm and pulls me on top of him. He places his hand on my ass and moves his hands up and down from my thighs to ass.

He lifts my leg higher up and i am spread completely on top of him. "What are you getting all shy for, little girl? Just a minute ago you were begging me to fuck you harder" he says with a completely serious face and i feel my whole body turning red. God, why is he talking so bluntly about these things! It is embarrassing! "Can you shut up and let me sleep?" I say praying to god that we can escape this awkward conversation. "Yeah, we probably should. I need a week of sleep after this" he lets out a long breath and grabs the blanket beside me and covers us both. He kisses me on top of my head. "Sweet dreams baby" I fall asleep immediately.

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