Chapter 28

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"Where is your wife, My king?" Margret on the other side of the dining table asks. "She will be here any minute now, Margret" I give her a strained smile, we've been waiting for Adelaide an hour now. I don't even think she will come, let us hope Alexandra can get her here before the elders start talking about young people and respect yarda yarda.

Max nudges me with his elbow while everyone is having a conversation. "How did it go?" I run my hand through my hair and let out a deep breath. "She has been crying in the bathroom for an hour now, how do you think it went?" I grind out beneath clenched teeth. "that is fucked up man" max says and leans back in his chair.

The door opens and everyone at the table stands up. I keep sitting and don't even glance her way. I have to to keep this cold act going if anyone besides my closest knows that I even care for anyone, people will use it against me. Everyone bows and greets Adelaide. "I'm sorry for being late" she apologizes to everyone. She needs to learn to be cold too, or else everyone will use her. Not that anyone dares to use me but I have seen how people use each other. That's why it is best to not care for anyone but unfortunately, I can't shut off my heart like that.

She sits at the chair beside me. The food gets served, and everyone stars digging in, but not Adelaide. For fuck's sake can't she take her own food? I can't serve for her like last time, or they will think I have feelings for her. I start filling my plate and hopefully, she will do the same, but she is still looking down at her lap.

"Adelaide, why don't you try these? They are yummy! l Alexandra says to Adelaide. And thankfully Adelaide starts filming her plate. What would I ever do without Alex! "Alexandra! Where are your manners? You cannot call a queen by her name!" Janet scolds Alexandra.

"No it is quite alright miss," Adelaide tells Janet. "No, it is absolutely not! Just because they treated you like a stray dog at the kingdom of sun doesn't mean we treat our royals like that!" Janet exploded. "Janet, darling calm yeux d'argent down" her husband Henrik tries to calm her down. "Did you see her body when she arrived? You almost couldn't see her skin!" Amelia said "yeah it looked like she was whipped" "was she raped too?" and then everyone at the table started discussing Adelaide's father, her body and what they think she had been through as if she wasn't sitting at the table.

I looked at Adelaide and she had her head down and fidgeting with her hands under the table. These people! Can't they see how this talk is affecting her! I look over at Alexandra and she gives me the look that says I should do something. I can't tell them to shut up and consider her feelings. I can't show emotion! Fuuck. I slowly reach for her hand under the table, at first, she just goes still. When I start sliding my thump back and forth her hand she opens her palm and we sit there holding hands under the table while everyone keeps talking shit about Soleria and her father.

I continue to eat with my other hand and I can feel Adelaide looking at me. I look at her and point my eyes to her plate to say she needs to eat. For the first time since I've met her she giggles, my eyes widen. She is giggling! I like that sound. I narrow my eyes at her and she points her eyes down at our hands, then to her food. Ahh I get it, she can't eat with one hand, lady manners I guess. I smile at her and let go of her hand.

When I look away from her I hurriedly remove my smile and start eating. But I can feel eyes on me and look up to see Frederic looking at me. Bloody hell! He saw that. Well, fuck me. "something on my face Frederic?" everyone goes quiet and looks at me and Frederic. You can say that we have a past history. "no, your majesty" he says. "then fucking look away" his jaw clenches and he starts eating his food. "Good boy," I say.

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