Chapter 30

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Adelaide closes the door behind her and stands there looking at the ground. She was talking back a moment ago how did she become this obedient girl in a second? Well, let's see how obedient she can be. "Come over here" she complies instantly and walks over to me.

"Sit" she is about to sit on the chair in front of me before I stop her. "Ah ah ah. Here" I point at my lap. "W-what?" She asks with wide eyes. "Sit, here. Now" someone has to teach her to say no, why not me? She sits on my lap completely tense, her face toward the piano. "Not like that, straddle me." I can see she is getting mad. "I can not straddle you with this dress," she says between clenched teeth. She just needs a little push more and I am sure she will break.

"Well, why don't you lift the dress, or take it off then?" she turns her face toward me and scowls. Her face is right up my face. I look her in the eyes, then down at her lips. She licks them. Fuck she is looking hot right now! Her face is flushed, her lips red and glistening from her licking them.

I put my hand at her cheek and move her head closer to mine. Our noses are touching, I can feel her breath at my mouth. She closes her eyes. I kiss her gently. A short chaste kiss, then two, then three I kept at it until her mouth wasn't as tense as before. Slowly she began to open up and I took the opportunity to lick her lips, then slowly darted my tongue inside a little by little.

To my surprise, she grabbed my head in a harsh grip and drove her tongue inside my mouth. We fought with our tongues for a long time. My cock was hard and if we kept going like this I would probably have to fuck her right now and here. She wouldn't want that.

I hold her by the jaw and move her head a little back so our lips aren't touching anymore. "so what did you want to ask me?" I say. Her lips are swollen, she is out of breath. "wh-what?" she asks breathlessly. "what did you wanna ask me about?" I say again. A hurtful expression crossed her face. She stands up instantly. " I was gonna ask you about teaching me how to use a bow and arrow, but I've changed my mind." she turned around and stormed out the door. "Adelaide!" I went after her but she was nowhere in sight. Well, that escalated quickly.
I went up to our room, expecting her to be there but she wasn't.  I will talk to her tonight then.

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