Chapter 50

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"I'll be back later okay? I wanna go check up on Max" Dominic says when we reach the door to our room. "Okay" i nod. "There will be guards in front of the door," he says while caressing my cheek. I smile at him. "I am not scared" he chuckles. "That's my girl" he grabs my face in both his hands and gives me a rough kiss. I feel my whole body heat. "I'll be back later" he turns and leaves. Can he not wait til tomorrow? Oh god, i need to get a grip. I feel like i want him every second. I've become a sex addict!

I turn around and go inside the room. Its been a long day! First when my father hugged me then my stepmothers comment on my eating habits. I didn't even eat a lot... okay maybe i did. Now that i think of it I've been eating a lot lately. Even though i eat a lot I'm still hungry. Maybe it's for all the years I've only eaten soup and bread. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. Hmm okay maybe i should stop with the binge eating, my cheeks are getting chubby.

I undress so i am only in my undergarments. I turn around and look at myself. The good thing is you can't see my ribs anymore. My thighs have gotten a little chubby too... oh god i have to stop this negative thinking! Dominic said he liked it. Or maybe he just said it because he was prettying me. No no no it's not because of that.

My body is actually pretty, yeah i think i look sexy. Okay no, i dont! Ughk!!! What is wrong with my feelings right now! I just want Dominic! I pout. What the hell is wrong with me? Oh no! I am probably getting my period.

MY PERIOD??? Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!! My period?? How could i not notice? I haven't had my period since the wedding night! Okay, dont panic Adelaide! Dont panic! Its only been two months, yeah! Only two months, which means that my period is only one month late. No problem. Completely normal.

I am not pregnant. No, i am not. Oh my god, i am so pregnant! That's probably why i eat so much! And why i am craving Dominic all the time! I stand up and look at the mirror again. I can't be. My stomach is the same! But the baby doesn't grow that fast. Baby? Oh my god, i can't believe i have a baby in my womb! And it's Dominics. I smile to myself. It's mine and Dominics child. I can't help but feel happy. But what if Dominic doesn't want a child? But he is king he needs an heir. I feel my palms get sweaty. what if he doesn't want one now? How should i tell him?

I walk into the room and change into a normal dress. I need to find Alexandra and tell her. She knows Dominic the best, she can tell me what to do and how to tell him. I walk out of our bedroom and go search for Alexandra.

I walk through the coridoor to alexandras room. Knock knock! I knock on her door but she doesn't answer. Maybe she is with Max. Maybe she just can't hear me. I knock again amd when she doesnt open. I open the door myself and walk in. "Alexandra?" I walk over to the bathroom but se isn't there. God! This place is huge there is no way i can find her, and i dont wanna go check at Maxs. I don't think i can look at dominic with a straight face.

Creak! I turn around at the sound by the door. Thank god! She is here! "Alex?" I walk out but there is no one. Hmm i can wait til tomorrow. I walk toward my room. Suddenly i hear a creak again behind me. I feel my heart race. Maybe i am just being paranoid. "MHHMM" someone grabs me by my mouth. "Mhmmh" i struggle. "Shhh now now Adelaide, you owe me" i go completely still. Roman...

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