Chapter 18

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We've been walking for half an hour now, it didn't take this long to come here. Oh no! I didn't even think about walking with Dominic in the forest alone, what was I thinking?!! How could I be this careless? We haven't said a word this whole time. Okay Adelaide, no time to panic, what should I do? Run? I can't run when I'm still all wounded. Maybe I can run a fast as I can and then hide. I can't! I can't go through the punishment for running away again. Oh god please help me.

"is something the matter?" Dominic suddenly. asks, I jump. "why are you jumpy all of a sudden" shit! What am I supposed to say? That I'm scared that he is going to kill me or worse, rape me? "i-um we have been walking for quite some time now, shouldn't we be there already? I ask him. "you tell me since you're the one leading the way," he says with a straight face. "what do you mean? I'm not leading you the way?" his face shows a little hint of a smile then goes back to his normal expressionless face.

"you're walking in front of me, which means you're leading the way. Now which way is it now?" he asks. I look at him completely dumbfounded l. " I barely know this place and you follow me instead of showing the right direction? Are you stupid?"

he stalks toward me slowly like a predator ready to attack his prey. I back a few steps back but he keeps walking. My back hits a tree and he keeps walking towards me, I put my hands up to keep him away but it doesn't help. He keeps walking until we're only a breath away from each other, my hands touch his hard muscled chest. he looks down at my hands then up to my eyes again. "you better watch your mouth when you're talking to me Adelaide, is that clear?" I nod.

"The reason I let you lead the way was to see where you'd go if I didn't go with you since you claimed that you could 'manage' to go alone. But hey, I learned a little something about my wife today. Shes got the worst sense of direction." He smiles, like a full smile with teeth showing. Wow, he had pretty teeth. Just like everything about him. He had a dimple in his right cheek, he got a whole other look right now. God, he looked handsome when he smiled! And surprisingly cute too.

FOCUS ADELAIDE!! "Wait, what?" I ask. Did he just let me walk all this way when I'm all hurt just to make fun of me? Did I say he was cute? I was so wrong!! " I don't repeat myself" he says. I need to choke this man! "you're such a..." He raises his eyebrow and I stop myself from saying more. I cross my arms and scowl at him. He smirks. This douche!!

Suddenly the sky turned from sunshine to down pouring rain. "For fuck's sake! I am not in the mood for this shit right now" he yells when the rain comes down on him. the rain doesn't fall down on me only on him so he steps closer to me so we're both under the protection of the trees leaves. "We're probably gonna stay here for some time," he says oblivious to our position, with his body pressed up against mine while his arms are braced on the tree above my head. My head almost touching his neck. I gulp. This is going to be a very long day.

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