Chapter 52

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"Want me to prepare a bath for you baby?" She shakes her head. "No i will just take a shower" i nod. " do you want any help?" I ask. "I just need to be alone" she whispers. "Whatever you need baby," i say, kiss her on the head and stand up to leave. I close the door behind me and walk out of the bedroom, i need some fucking answers.

I stop by the guards in front of the door. "you two stay fucking here, no toilet breaks no nothing do you understand?" they both straighten from their lazy position. "yes my king" they say in unison. First I need to find Alex. Adelaide needs someone with her and I need to find out if Atticus was involved in this.

" I barge inside Max room. "what the?!! DOMINIC! PRIVACY" Max shouts. Max quickly covers Alex. "someone fucking attacks my wife, she kills him, and I fucking find out that there is a possibility our child that I had no idea about is dead and you two motherfuckers are fucking?!" I yell. "what the fuck are you talking about?" "Adelaide is pregnant!?" I massage my temple with my fingers. I need to control myself right now. I turn around. "Alex please go talk to Adelaide or at least just be there. She needs someone right now and that is not me" I walk out.

What now? It is not like Atticus will confess if I ask him. There is one way I can make him tell the truth. I have to go back to my old ways. To defeat a monster you must to become one. i hear my fathers voice say. I walk straight to the room Atticus and his wife are staying in. His two guards look at me and draw their sword. I am about to draw mine when i remember i threw it outside when i saw Adelaide stabbing the man. Fuck that i dont need a weapon. I knock both guards out before they even know what happened.

I barge into the room. "Get up!" I roar at Atticus. His wife screams. He reaches for his sword by his bedside but i kick him down to the ground. I grab him by the throat and choke him. I font want to kill him yet so i let go. I punch him in the temple and he passes out like a light. His wife is leaning up against the headboard naked. She is smiling seductively at me and twirling her hair with her finger. Pathetic. I drag Atticus by his hair down to the lowest level in the castle. The dungeon.


Clak! Clak! Clak! I slap Atticus on his face. "wake up you sick fuck" Atticus opens his eyes. When his vision gets clear his eyes widen and he struggles against the restraints around his arms and legs. I smirk. "I am glad that you recognize this... scenario" "you disrespectful scoundrel! I will have your head for this! I promise you!" He spits by my shoes. i clench my jaw and fists. Maybe i don't need to know if he was involved i should just kill him already. I can't start a war because i can't stand him, if i start war and even though we will win, lives will be lost too. I can't do that to my people or his. He may be a shit king but his people are innocent, well most of them are.

"We can do this the hard way or the less hard way. You choose. Were you involved with the attack on Adelaide tonight?" I ask. "What attack?" Atticus spits. I punch his face,his whole head turns at the impact and he coughs blood out. "Were you involved?" "I have no idea what you are tal..." i punch him again. "Were you involved?" "No!" I punch him 3 times in a row. A tooth falls out. Good good.

Okay, this is not working, time for some more extreme methods. I grab the chair he is strapped in and drags it against the wall with the leather restraints for the head. I strap his head to it. "What? Are you! Listen i am not involved! i swear! I swear i wasn't!" He begs. I turn on the furnace ignoring his pleads. I put on some heat protecting gloves and put some metal pipes in. "What are you doing! You're crazy!! You are insane!!" I nod. "Indeed"

When the pipes are glowing red i lift one and walk toward Atticus. "This is the last time i ask Atticus. Were you involved?" He doesn't answer but his whole body shakes. "Okay then" i lift my shoulders. "Enjoy the view while you can. This will be the last time you ever see anything" i say and bring the pipe to his eye, just before the pipe reaches his eye he screams. "LISTEN! LISTEN! THIS TIME I DIDNT!! I SWEAR I DIDNT! HE DID IT HIMSELF! PLEASE STOP" he begs and cries. I stop my hand. "This time? Do you mean you have done it before?" Atticus' eyes widen. He stutters. "I-I-I no I- I didn't i didn't mean that"

I lift my hand and stab the flaming pipe into his right eye. "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH" he screams. His eye bleeds out like a crimson waterfall. I take off the gloves and walk out the dungeon.

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