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"a little higher, jep! You got it. When you are ready, shoot". Minutes go by and he doesn't shoot. "Daddy?" Zach whispers. "Yeah, Zach?" "I can't do it" "that's okay, put the bow down" he puts it down and looks down at the ground. "What's wrong buddy?" I say.

He looks like he is about to cry. He wipes his tears with his sleeve. "Come here" i hug him. "Why are you sad? You can do it another time" he sniffles. "I don't want to kill an animal daddy. Are you disappointed in me?" God! How adorable can he be?! I let go of him and place both of my hands on his face. "I could never be disappointed in you, Zach. I am actually very proud of you. You are protecting an innocent animal, that just shows how good your heart is. You should be proud of yourself" i kiss his forehead. "Really?" His eyes light up. "Yeah! You are a hero! You protect those who cannot protect themselves. Doesn't that sound like a hero to you?" I ask. He nods happily. "Yeah! Then someday can be like you! Right?" I smile at him. "You will be better than me, son" he wraps his arms around my neck and hug me. "I love you, daddy!" "I love you the most Zach" he kisses me on the cheek.

"Now why dont you eat your lunch? Mom won't be happy if we dont eat our food" he nods and opens his lunchbox. "Dad! Look! Mommy packed carrots!" I look confused at him. "Since when do you like carrots?" He laughs. "I dont! But rabbits do!" He takes the carrots and slowly approaches the rabbit. The rabbit moves aways but he places the carrots in front of the rabbit. Then he runs toward me. Carrots? Adelaide knows he doesn't like carrots. She knew he couldn't do it. God, I love that woman! "Are you ready to go, buddy?" He takes my hand and we walk home again.

"DADDY!!!" Madeline jumps up to me. "you are getting heavy Maddy!" I act like I can't carry her and she laughs. "mommy! I gave the rabbit carrots!! It ate it this fast!" Zach mimics a rabbit eating fast. "really?!! I wanted to see that" Adelaide pouts. Zach gets up and sits on her lap. She kisses him on the cheek. She looks at me and winks. I wink back. I walk over to Adelaide and kiss her in the mouth. "Ewww!" Zach and Maddy say in the union. We laugh at them.

"how are you feeling today baby?" I ask Adelaide and caress her belly. "it was good. I don't think the baby wants out yet" she laughs. She should have given birth a week ago. "i hope it is a girl! I want a sister. I don't want to play with Zach anymore" Maddy sticks her tongue out to Zack. "i don't want to play with you either!" Zach crosses his arms and sticks his tongue out at her.

Adelaide and I look at each other and laugh. We know they both love each other and doesn't want to play with others, beside Max and Alex's son Daniel. This is my family. I had never even imagined having this perfect life, I could never have gotten this happiness without Adelaide. The love of my life. I look at her and she has this knowing look I'm her eyes. I kiss her again a little longer this time. Zach and Maddy both get off our laps and giggles and screams eww. We both laugh and continue to kiss each other.

The End

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