Chapter 26

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Knock knock! I woke up to the sound of knocks on the door. I stretch out in the bed and look by my side. Adelaide is still sound asleep. Knock knock! For god's sake don't they have any patients! I get up from the bed completely naked not nor bothering with wearing anything. I open the door to four of our elder's women. "What?" I say. They all look down at my junk and raise their eyebrows. "The sheet" misses jacobs reached her hand out, palm up. This early in the fucking morning? I shake my head and close the door.

I walk over to the bed. "Adelaide, Adelaide wake up" she doesn't stir. I shake her shoulder. "Adelaide, wake up" she slowly opens her eyes and looks at my face, she looks down at my junk and her whole face turns crimson. Is she still embarrassed? This thing was inside her only hours ago.

Knock knock! Fucking impatient old warts!! Adelaide turns her head to the door with a worried face and looks to me again. "They want the sheet," I say. She slowly grabs the other sheet and covers her body and starts to rise from the bed. When she gets up she is about to fall, let's go of the sheet and hold on to my arm. "Owww" she winces. I was probably a little too rough last night. I hold her by the waist. With my other hand, I remove the sheet from the bed and throw or on the Ground. "Here lay down"I put her on the bed again.

Suddenly I see blood, a lot of blood. Not on the sheets but running down her inner thighs. Bloody fucking hell!! This can't be because of last night! Can it? "Adelaide!" I look down at her sex and down her inner thighs. She looks down and gasps. "Oh, my" tears start welling in her eyes. I keep looking not knowing what to do! Fuck! And I was trying to be gentle?! "Stop looking!!" She yells and covers herself with the sheer again. She starts crying. "Hey! Hey Adelaide! Look at me. Stop crying! I will get a healer okay? Just lay down and relax"I say. Knock knock! "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! WAIT A FUXKING MINUTE WOMAN!!" I yell. 

I've never had a woman that bleeds this much, and I've had my fair share of virgins too. I get closer to Adelaide and rub her arms "stop crying it is gonna be okay". Her face is beet red. "I am not hurt. I- um- I think I got my period" she says. I let out the biggest breath I've ever let our. Oh god! I thought I had ruined something inside of her! I relaxed. "You scared the crap out of me! Thank god".

Tears still ran down her face. "Why are you crying? You are okay" she gets up and starts running for the bathroom crying, she winces for every step she takes. I am about to help her but she pushed my hands away. "Adela..." She slams the door in my face. I rub my neck. I didn't feel like I raped her yesterday, she looked like she actually liked it. I guess I was wrong. I am just like Nathan. before I allow myself to think more about Nathan I hurriedly take the sheet and give it to the woman.

Misses Jacobs gives me a skeptical look. "What? Not enough? There is some more On the ground there and om the bed" I point to the places with blood. She snickers and leaves, her followers following her. I go back to the door and knock. "Are you okay in there?" I hear her sniffle. I guess I'll have to get Alexandra here. I am probably the last person she wants comfort from.

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