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I'VE SPENT the last ten minutes secretly sulking in the auditorium

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I'VE SPENT the last ten minutes secretly sulking in the auditorium. It's pathetic, really. I initially came here to convince myself that I would be okay seeing Mason with another girl, that it didn't hurt to see her clinging to his side.

Perhaps it's my fault. If I hadn't kissed Lucas and slept with him, Mason wouldn't have moved on so quickly and maybe he'd even take me back.

If he wants to take me back at all. He warned me...told me that no matter how bad things looked, it wasn't real. Maybe he was talking about the girl, or maybe I'm just clinging on to something imaginary.

I wrap my arms around my knees and stare at the stage lights reflecting against the black paint. It's fitting that I'd be surrounded by Mason's favorite color. Despite my efforts to bring some vibrancy to his wardrobe, he'd always twist his cute little nose whenever I bought him a teal or peach-colored shirt. His complexion is so fair compared to his dark hair. I know he'd look really good in those shades if he just let me make a few altercations to his wardrobe.

"At least Lucas takes my fashion advice," I mumble as if that'll make me feel better. It doesn't. I'm simply reminded of what I did with Lucas and how lucky I am that he doesn't hate me.

I shouldn't have kissed him. We shouldn't have slept together. At least he's okay with it. It would have killed me if he started feeling weird emotions toward me simply because of my stupidity. He was lonely just like me. I was thinking of Mason and he was thinking of Amber.

We've been friends for so long and have done so much together. I never thought sex would be one of those things, but at least it didn't ruin our friendship.

He still has a platonic love for me like I do for him. That's the only reassuring element in my life at the moment.

It's funny thinking about how we first met, how our relationship became so reliant over the years when we started out resenting each other.

It was the first day of sixth grade and I happened to sit next to him in our computer class. Over his shoulder, I saw him vigorously sketching the most detailed waves of the ocean I'd ever seen. So excited to meet a kid who drew like me, I nudged his arm and showed him some of my fashion sketches.

A tiny laugh slips from my lips, remembering the bored look he gave me.

"No one cares about dresses and clothes. Why would you draw that? It's stupid."

I had gasped so hard and proceeded to tell him his drawings of the ocean looked like shit. Thus, sparking a heated argument on the first day of school that ended up getting us sent to the counselor's office. The following week, we had to meet every day to share something about ourselves and say at least one nice thing to each other. Along the way, we ended up becoming the closest friends.

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