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Please leave all victim blaming at the door. Please realize that there are readers, including myself, who have experienced the trauma that Pepper and Cory have gone through. Think about what you say before you comment because it can be triggering to past victims/survivors. Thank you! ❤️


Everyone's story is far from over with Amber's second chance at romance on the horizon in Paper Sails. (It'll feature most Limerence characters and a few new faces.) I plan on editing this book a bit to enter it into the Wattys and maybe stand a chance at being seen. I'd love to know your opinion on a few things as I begin the process!

1. Who was your favorite character and why?

2. Who was your least favorite character and why?

3. What character did you change your perspective on from the beginning to the end of the story?

4. What was your favorite part and/or chapter in the book?

5. Which was your least?

6. What is something you wanted to see more of? (Like the development of certain friendships or relationships?)

7. Which character(s) had the best development?

8. Which character(s) needed more development?

9. Who's POV did you prefer? Lucas, Pepper, Man-soo, Amber?

10. Who was the most relatable character for you?

11. Did you learn anything or change your perspective on anything in this book?

12. Do you think Lucas or people in his position deserve a second chance/are redeemable?

13. Do you think Lucas and Pepper should become friends again or stay separated?

14. When were you able to truly see Lucas' toxic behavior?

15. Did you expect this outcome when you started the book?

16. Do you believe Pepper got closure or will have closure?



1. Toxic love interests.

I've always noticed how a lot of romance and teen fiction stories promote toxic relationships that don't grow or develop. I used to read those type of stories myself and growing up, I thought some of the worst personality traits were attractive in men until I grew up and realized they aren't.

I decided to write about a toxic romance in a realistic point of view but have those characters grow from that toxicity.

2. Sexual abuse/harassment.

A lot of stories use rape or harassment as a plot twist or exciting moment in their books. I always find it so insensitive and just gross to use that as plot bait or something, so I wanted to shed light on how a situation like that would be handled realistically.

Not all situations are from a random drunk guy or end with the victim brushing it off like no big deal. Even near-rape situations are traumatizing.

Pepper's abuser was someone she loved. Someone she trusted and was close to. It affected her and will continue to affect both of them for the rest of their lives. He didn't physically attack her to get his way, he manipulated her into a submissive position and took advantage of it.

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