Chapter Two: Interrogated

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Aerolynn's pov
Kylo Ren's hand was extended out in front of him, he was clearly the source of the force that was keeping me here. I recognized him from the mask that he was always wearing. I wondered if he ever took it off, maybe he had a really ugly face and didnt want anyone to see it?

Kylo Ren gave me a once over, analyzing me. It didnt matter if he was holding my by the force or not, I would be frozen in fear regardless. The storm troopers were gathering people from town and forcing them onto their knees. I fought back nausea as I realized they were going to have the same fate as my family. My family... I squeezed hot tears from my eyes as I realized they were actually gone. 

"Who are you, and why were you running?" Kylo Ren asked in his mechanical voice. I wondered how a robot voice like that could still be that intimidating and have that much authority, enough to frighten me. I didnt respond to his question, I was too scared to speak. Kylo Ren squeezed his fingers together, making me feel like I was being crushed. I gasped for air.

"You killed my family, I'm not going to tell you anything." I managed to say in between ragged breaths. He muttered something that was inaudible, and I could imagine him rolling his eyes behind his mask, he then reached his hand out closer to me, inclining his head.

I wanted to flinch away, repulsed by him being so close, but then, I felt the oddest thing, pressure was building inside of my head, it was almost as if someone had put their hand in my mind and was sorting through my thoughts. He was inside my head!

"She's the one we're looking for." Kylo Ren said, withdrawing from my thoughts. "Take care of the rest of this measly town, Phasma." He said to the stormtrooper in silver. The trooper, Phasma, nodded and followed through with her orders.

I wanted to shout or run, or let out a blast of electricity so strong that it killed any First Order member surrounding me, but I couldn't do anything. I was powerless, just like I had been against my family's murder.

Phasma barked an order to her troopers, and they all raised their guns in unison, I knew they had practiced this before, probably so much that it barely even ruffled the he men conducting the assassination. This was just work today, another day, another innocent killing.

The sound of guns started, filling the air with the trademark popping of blasters. But I barely had time to react because Kylo Ren was then waving his hand in front of my face making darkness intrud my mind, rendering me unconscious.

"Wake up, Aerolynn." Someone unfamiliar said. My eyes were still closed and I wasn't sure if I wanted to open them. If I opened them I would have to deal with the fact that my family was dead and I had been taken by the most powerful army in the galaxy. "Now, Aerolynn." The voice commanded, impatiently.

My eyelids fluttered open to be met with a menacing looking Kylo Ren who was standing in front of me, without even trying to he was intimidating, even the way he stood made my blood run cold.

I always knew who Kylo Ren was, I mean everyone did. He was the thing nightmares were made of. Back on Tatooine we had obviously heard the stories of the man that had conquered multiple planets, and who would kill anyone who got in his way, but we remained neutral, oblivious to the Resistance and The First Order.

But not anymore, my village on Tatooine was now a ghost town, families were brought out of their homes unaware that they were going to die that night. Innocent children had died, infants that had just barely begun their life had died. All because of me. I hated Kylo Ren, how he thought that he had control over everything, how he thought he could take away lives like they were nothing. I didn't just hate Kylo Ren I loathed him. 

"Do you know why your here?" He asked me.

I shook my head, but it was obvious. The First Order had clearly found out who I was and had kidnapped me. The were probably going to put me into a drug induced coma and only wake me when they needed me for battle. I shuddered at the thought.

I looked down at what I was laying on, it was some type of vertical table, my hands and ankles were in cuffs that were slightly burning my skin. I tried summoning my powers but nothing happened, I swore under my breath.

"Your powers wont work while you're in those restraints." Kylo Ren said, "So I wouldn't even try." I glared up at him, ignoring his words and continuing to struggle against my bindings. I stopped when I realized he was right, there was no way I was going to be able to escape the cuffs. 

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper. He leaned closer towards me, and I could nearly feel the dark power that washed off of him.

"Your powers, they're impeccable, I haven't seen anything like it since Palpatine, you could be helpful to the First Order." He said. I scoffed, leaning back against the uncomfortable table. I wasn't sure if he just complimented me, Palpatine was a man I had heard in horror stories about the galactic empire. He was a sith, with electric powers. They say he died with hateful words and evil in his eyes. Nope... definitely not a compliment in my eyes.

"I will never be a part of your First Order, you... you murderer." I spat out at him, looking at his mask where his eyes would be, and feeling foolishly brave. Kylo Ren stuck his hand out towards me and then I couldn't breathe. I gasped for air but got nothing, it was like he was restricting my airway without even touching me. Dark spots danced across my vision and my lungs were on fire, desperate for air. I knew I wasn't going to last for long, I could already feel myself starting to slip.

"I wouldn't dare defy me, Aerolynn." He said, tightening his force-grip on my throat making me whimper. "You will submit to me whether you like it or not." He said, letting his hand fall.

I coughed, letting in shaky lungfuls of air. I looked up at him, his tall figure became distorted because of the tears that were threatening to spill over. "I will come back when and only when you are ready to yield to the First Order." He said before storming out of the room. I collapsed back onto the table, not realizing how tense I was. I hid my head and let out a sob as tears rolled down my cheeks.

This chapter took me a while to write and I have no idea why. But I really hope you guys enjoy it. I might not be able to update this story every day because I do have school and track practice every day, but I'll update as much as possible. Until next time, friends. :)

Taken by the First Order -A Kylo Ren fanfiction-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora