Chapter Thirty: A blessing

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Aerolynn's pov

I awoke to the sound of water running. I rolled over in my sheets, pulling up the covers to my chin and trying to fall back asleep. I felt the mattress under me shift, and then I could feel a set of lips being pressed to my forehead. I smiled, my eyes fluttering open.

"Good morning." I mumbled, my voice thick with sleep. Kylo smiled down at me, cuckling at my half conscious state, his hand wound itself into my hair, toying with it.

"Good morning, my love." He said, his lips touching mine, I felt butterflies settle into the pit of my stomach and I knew that I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep now.

"My love?" I asked, my lips moving against his. He smiled, sitting down next to me and taking my hand into his own.

"I was thinking of trying new nicknames, what do you think?" I chuckled, kissing him on the cheek, he was so cute. I glanced down at what he was wearing, he was in his Supreme Leader uniform, which was a lot like his old uniform but with more armor, and it was sleeker, more aerodynamic.

"Why are you wearing that?" I asked, gesturing to the outfit. His smile fell, slightly, and he looked down, playing with our conjoined hands.

"I have some matters to attend to before we leave-" He said, I let out a sigh, my happy mood deflating like a balloon.
"I thought you said you were off the clock till when we get back." I said, hearing the disappointment clear as day in my voice.

"I'm never off the clock, Aerolynn." He said, and it was true. Ever since he had started this job of being Supreme Leader, two months ago, he had been working twenty hours straight on four hours of sleep, running around making decisions and choosing alliances, not to mention the matter of the New Order, which had been complicating everything. Every time he'd come home he'd barely utter a word to me before he was falling asleep on the bed, not even bothering to take off his boots.

Even now I could see the circles under his eyes and how his cheekbones seemed to stick out more prominently than they used to. I gave him a sympathetic look, brushing the hair away from his face and placing a kiss on his nose.
"I understand, just don't use this as an excuse to run away and get cold feet." I said.

"You know I would never." He said, "I'll be back in two hours, have all your things packed and be ready by then." He then kissed me once more and feld the room, his cape fluttering behind him. I let out a sigh, running a hand through my hair before getting up from the bed, kicking the comforters off of my legs.

I made my way into the bathroom, the anxiety I had been feeling for at least two months, ever since he asked, settling itself within me. I was getting married tomorrow, so of course I was anxious. Kylo had planned a trip to Naboo after I had said yes, so that we could get married in private. I could still remember the day I said yes, it was after his speech announcing to the First order and the galaxy that he was Supreme Leader.

After the speech, it was also announced the date of Kylo and I's wedding, which was a shock to the First Order. No one, besides Hux and the twins knew about our relationship, it had flood like a tsunami throughout the base, though. It seemed to be the only thing that anyone could talk about. Everywhere I went whispers would follow, some people glorified me, saying I was an inspiration to the people, while others called me Kylo's whore. But Kylo revealing the news was better than Tiberius doing it, or Hux. I shuddered at the thought.

The news of our wedding was seen as both and good and bad in the eyes of the people. Some loved the idea while others hated it, they thought the Supreme Leader should be completely dedicated to his job, free of any distractions. But it's not like they can actually have an opinion, Kylo was their Supreme Leader now, they couldn't disagree with him. He made the rules now.

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