Chapter Twenty Three: Underestimate

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Aerolynn's pov 

When I awoke all I saw was darkness. I was cold, the frostiness seemed to be touching every part of me, I shuddered, and started to stand.

As my eyes adjusted I realized I wasn't succumbed in darkness, but instead I was in a dark cell. I looked around, stone bricks was what made up the walls, and moss covered most of them. To my right was another set of bars, and through them I could see another cell like mine, but it was too dark to see much beyond the bars.

I continued to look on and saw a puddle of what I hoped was muddy water was in the corner, and fragments of rocks in the other.

Steel rusted bars seperated me from the hallway that fostered other holding cells. I walked up to the bars, grabbing at them for stability, seeing as I was still dizzy.

Why was I dizzy?

Suddenly, it all came rushing back to me, I leaned against the bars for support as a wave of nausea overtook me. The last thing I remembered was the lightning, the all consuming. The most powerful wave of electricity I ever knew to be struck me, and I let it consume me, surrendering myself to it. I still felt the power running through me, I still felt alive with energy.

And then, I remembered the dart, and going unconscious, and Kylo, oh no, Kylo. Where was he, who took us, did they kill him?

Questions floated around in my head and I pressed my forehead against the bars in frustration. I grit my teeth, wanting to scream, if it wasn't for me, Kylo would have never have been here, and he would never have been kidnapped. This was all my fault, I should have protected him.

I glanced down, and what I saw through my haze of tears nearly shocked me.

I wasn't in the clothes that I had last remembered myself to be in. Could I even call what I was wearing clothes?

I had been stripped of my uniform and undergarments, and they had been replaced with clothing that barely covered anything. My top, only covered my breasts with a thin golden fabric that had straps going around my torso, and the bottoms that were of the same bright color and barely reached the part where my thigh met my behind. On either sides of the bottom piece were two pieces of fabric that flowed down the outside of my thigh.

And they had also gotten rid of my boots and I was now wearing strappy sandals that I knew wouldn't help if I tried to escape.

I whipped around, looking for my uniform that I now so dearly missed but there was nothing.I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling exposed and broken. I now knew why I was so cold before...

"You're new here." Someone said to my right, where the bars to the conjoined cell were. I whipped to the side, and looked around. It was still too dark to see, and I strained to find where the voice came from.

"Who said that?" I asked, taking a step forward. I tried to use my powers, but they must have still been stunned from the little electricity episode, and I couldn't summon anything. And besides, I didn't want to flaunt my powers here unless I needed to. I didn't know what was going on, but having powers might intrigue more people.

"Look down, princess." They said, I did as I was told, and saw something I hadn't seen before. A dark figure slumped against the bars, of the opposite cell. It looked like a man, but I couldn't tell, so instead I tried to make it talk again.

"Don't call me princess." I said, my cheeks heating up. I felt very insecure seeing as this stranger was only a few feet away, and could probably see every flaw on my body, I tried my best to cover myself but I knew it was in vain.

"What should I call you then. Slave number ten?" The person asked, the voice was a males. So it was a he, I thought.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, taking a step closer, my sandals made a clicking noise that bounced eerily off of the stone walls.

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