Chapter Forty Two: An alarm

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Aerolynns pov

I turned around in Ben's arms, resting my head against his chest I sighed, feeling myself need to pee... again. This had to have been the fifth time tonight, this baby really liked to press against my bladder as much as possible, like it wanted to bring me discomfort or something.

Gingerly removing Bens arms which had wound themselves around my waist I got up from the bed, hearing him snoring slightly behind me, I tip-toed to the bathroom, making sure I closed the door before I turned the light on so as to not wake him.

I looked at myself in the mirror and nearly gasped at my appearance. I looked rough, the bags under my eyes were large, my face looked sunken in, and pale, and I couldn't ignore the tiredness present in my eyes. I glanced at my stomach in the mirror, it hadn't grown much since last month, when we hit the eighth month mark, but it had grown enough where I noticed it. My stomach was so large that I had to walk around like I was trying to support the weight of a bowling ball or something, and in a way it kind of was like I was.

I couldn't wait till this baby was out and I could finally return to how I used to be, get back to training and building my muscles. Throughout the pregnancy I had been working out, of course a lot less intense than I was before, but I was also trying to eat as healthy as possible not only for the health of the baby but so that my recovery after the birth could be as easy as possible.
Lena said I should be giving birth any day now, considering we had hit nine months. From now on out she said it was going to be a long waiting game. I sighed running my hands over my stomach, I wanted the baby out because it was stressing my body out and I hadn't had a good sleep for a while, and I was tired of all the aches and swelling and pain. But what I couldn't ignore was that I was scared of what would happen when it came out.

Thinking of motherhood was scary, I didn't know if I was ready. I mean I knew of the maternal instinct that apparently just kicked in after giving birth, but I couldn't guarantee that that would happen to me. I was scared that I was going to be a terrible mother, I mean it's not like I had my own mom here to ask all these questions that had been dawning on me ever since I found out that I was pregnant.

I wondered how my parents would take the news of my birth. I mean I knew Kaito and Baden would be thrilled knowing they were going to be uncles; but my parents? Would they have been happy, looking forward to their new nicknames and the ability to say that they were going to have their first grandchild, or would they have been disappointed. Wishing I had been pregnant with someone who was from Tatooine, someone who was more like them. I wish I could've known, I wish I could've asked them for advice, I wish they were just here... with me.

I ran a hand through my hair. If they were here I would have asked them what I should do with my kid, Ben and I talked briefly about it, but it had gotten too awkward to continue. We had discussed the matter of whether or not we should keep the baby here, at the base, or should we raise it somewhere else, away from the toxicity of the First Order.

Ben wanted what was best for the child, saying that whatever I wanted I could have, but in the end he would have to stay here so that he could ensure that the baby and I could stay protected. As long as he was Supreme Leader no one could lay a finger on us, and if they did they were awfully foolish considering Ben was one of the most feared men in the galaxy and had a whole army behind him.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my fingers playing with the little nub of my hair that wasn't woven into my braid, I decided to take it out and let it flow down my shoulders because the tightness of the hairstyle was giving me a headache.

I walked out of the bathroom, shutting off the light and letting the door close silently behind me. I then crawled back into bed, breathing in Ben's scent of mint that always seemed to be lingering on our sheets. I pulled the covers over myself and turned to face away from Ben when I felt his hand creep up and rest on my hip.

Taken by the First Order -A Kylo Ren fanfiction-Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ